MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Jude Law teases his ‘devout warrior’ cha...

Jude Law teases his ‘devout warrior’ character in Captain Marvel

Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s superhero epic centers on Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a human pilot with alien Kree DNA. When the film begins, Carol is living on the Kree planet of Hala, and she’s a part of the specialized military team known as Starforce — essentially the Seal Team Six of space.

Its members include Carol, Djimon Hounsou’s Korath (returning from Guardians of the Galaxy), and Gemma Chan’s sniper Minn-Erva. Law’s character is the leader of the group (the filmmakers declined to reveal his name), and he’s Kree to the core.

“He is driven by a belief in the divine leadership of the Kree people,” Law says. “So he’s almost a devout warrior — unquestioning, conservative, but inspirational.”

Audiences have met the Kree before in Guardians of the Galaxy, but Captain Marvel is a deeper dive into Kree society. They’re an advanced alien race that value community over individuality and they’re at war with their most hated enemy: the Skrulls. Two of the MCU’s most well-known Kree will be returning for Captain Marvel — Lee Pace’s Ronan and Hounsou’s Korath — but at this point in time, neither has splintered off to become the outcast terrorists they are in Guardians of the Galaxy. Ronan is still a respected figure on Hala, and Korath is a valued member of Starforce.

But of all the Starforce members, Law’s character is particularly close to Carol, whom he views as a mentee and pet project. “These extraordinary powers she has, he sees them as something of a blessing and something that she has to learn how to control,” Law says. “That’s a motif throughout the piece, the element of learning to control one’s emotions and to use your powers wisely.”

“There’s a lot and back and forth that comes with the two of them, which kind of creates a little bit of tension with the rest of Starforce,” Larson adds. “Like, ‘Why do they have a special relationship, and why isn’t it me?’”

Reading between the lines, it sounds like Mar-Vell is going to be Carol's love interest.


There’s rumors/reports floating around that Carol won’t actually have a love interest in the film... or at least a love story won’t be a major focus of Captain Marvel. Time will tell. And even though his role hasn’t been confirmed, we can safely assume Law will be playing exactly who we think.

Psyched to see how this turns out.
