This was really good

Sure, it's not perfect, it's very derivative of Kids, and obviously the main character is reckless, a bit spoiled and in reality would have been dead 30 minutes into the movie, but aside from that, it was a well directed, well written and perfectly acted little film. 9/10


Disturbing and good. Pretty decent acting from all. I truly wanted to punch in her at the end though. That dumb look on her face ughhh. I rated 7/10


This is a good film. I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised how good it really is. 7/10

If you could see your life from start to finish, would you change things?


I really liked it. It felt pretty real and gritty. 8/10


It was hard to look at Chris Noth the same way after watching this lol. And apparently, so did the chicks that accused him of sexual assault. They pretty much took the scene in this movie and recycled it to try to use it against him. The dumb cunts couldn't even come up with their own original ideas. 🤔🤔
