Notable absences

One of the many amazing things about S3 is how it brought together so many Lynch collaborators. Actors from across his filmography united for this epic project.

Some didn’t return and I don’t know exactly why. I would love to have seen Bill Pullman and Patricia Arquette pop up. I get the sense Arquette struggled a bit making Lost Highway, not sure where Pullman stands on Lynch. It’s unusual for stars to work with him only once. I’m glad we got Balthazar Getty at least (although he looked very different)

I assume Lara Flynn Boyle wasn’t asked back since her face has become legendary as a plastic surgery disaster, and apparently Michael J. Anderson the dwarf fell out with Lynch. Perhaps this is why his character assumed the form of a tree with a pulsing anus for a head.

Naomi Watts obviously got a massive showcase, but no sign of her fellow Mulholland stars Justin Theroux and Laura Harring (both of whom returned for Inland Empire)


Piper Laurie said she would have come back, but she wasn't asked. I feel that Lynch had too big a part in the third season. He could have given some other actors a chance to be in the third season if he didn't hog so many scenes for himself.


Joan Chen also wanted to be in S3 from what I've read. In fact, for awhile I thought the sound emanating in Ben Horne's office would have a tie-in with Josie (even without her appearance).

I respect the fact that Lynch/Frost stayed true to the vision and didn't force characters into S3 that had no bearing on the main theme/story, otherwise the show would have devolved into annoying fan service.

The one-off scenes in the Bang Bang Bar (Roadhouse) served to illustrate and reinforce what had happened to the town in the last 25 years.

Remember how Major Briggs responded when asked back in S2 if everything was OK: "No, not exactly."
