MovieChat Forums > Lucifer (2016) Discussion > Do you think that the longer seasons hav...

Do you think that the longer seasons have hurt the show?

I think that the first season of 13 episodes was really good. Part of me is wondering if they would have kept the show at 13 episodes would it be doing better? I'm still liking the show, and I want it renewed, but I'd rather have 13 good quality episodes than 24 with only 10 good episodes.



No, bad writing has ruined the show. It’s the same thing every week. Lucifer figures out something about himself, makes it all about him and treats people like he is Sheldon Cooper and not the devil. Maybe the writing stems from the number of episodes but to me it has become way to formulaic.


I think that even the best writers would struggle to come up with new episode ideas for that many episodes. Even then, when writers try to shake it up and introduce new story arcs or characters, fans get annoyed.

Boredom is my main issue with most network tv shows. After a couple of full seasons I'm usually done. I can't believe that shows like The Big Bang Theory last as long as they do. Or Criminal Minds, or NCIS for that matter. I like the 6 - 13 episode series. They usually end before I get too bored.


Other problem is they bring in too many characters. Should have kept the original characters and stopped trying to bring in new ones to attract viewers. If they only had 13 stories and need 20 episodes the smarter option would have been to have some of those 13 stories strung out over 2 episodes. There were some of them this season that could have been longer and better because of it.


If you were a Firefly fan you would never complain about too many episodes.


I loved Firefly, but I think that if it had 10 seasons of 24 ep each season it might not have been as popular near the end.


Yeah it wouldnt have lived fast , died young ,and left a good looking corpse.

Star Trek had quite a run though , It'd be nice if it paralled that ,orig series , about 75 eps.


I have not seen this show but I have found as I age that the longer seasons are a bit of a detriment, especially if a show functions with a season long arc. I recently completed Iron Fist and Luke Cage and I believe both would have benefited with cutting a few episodes off and they were already only 13 ep seasons.


The Walking Dead , and Breaking Bad took to choping their seasons in half and airing them months apart, which begs the question What is a season? was that one or two?
It means even less if you're binge watching them all after the last season is aired.

"Season long arc" is the key as you say - if your long term backstory wont span 20 episodes fine! finish it off at 12 and start another - they can even overlap if you like - just keep those episodes coming!


I watch a bit of British programing and while I do believe they have the opposite problem of having too few episodes for some of their shows I find I prefer it over a 24 episode season that often has filler episodes and/or just plain bad ones. The last season of Criminal Minds just dragged on and on. I was actually hoping for cancellation.


I've been feeling that way about Criminal Minds for awhile. I still watch it while I'm doing other things, but it's almost a chore to watch. I know a few seasons ago we were taking bets at the beginning of the season to see which agent would have tragedy befall them that season.


I watch it with the wife, but even she is tiring of it. Few characters are left that she actually liked and one she does,Reid, takes multi episode breaks from the show. It seems likely this upcoming season will be its last. It ratings are not great and the contracts for the actors I believe runs out after this coming season.


On principle I agree, better fewer quality episodes than a lot of mediocre ones, but I think that what hurt Season 3 was the bunch of standalone fillers at the beginning and a poorly developed story arc.

Season 2 had a couple of lesser episodes, but in general it was good and each case of the week served the overall story very well.

Unfortunately Season 3 was all over the place from the start and I don't think that getting rid of the fillers would've made for a better pacing or story. Basically I felt as the whole season was a filler anyway.


Love this show, and the more episodes the better!

