The Naked party.

I know, all the movie has a crazy touch pushing by Toni, but I can´t understand the naked party scene.

I think Ines has part of Toni´s madness but is not clear when and why he decide make the naked party.
It was a impulse ? It was about the dress problem ?

Also this is a so hard scene ending in ...... nothing.

The only thing is about the obvious symbol that everybody are nake and Toni full or hair... but... I don´t understand ...

Hablo mejor español :)


It was for first time she decided to let herself go and do something impulsive.
Do you ever get that feeling when u're frustrated (like she was with dress) to
just go an say *beep* it. And do whatever. That was her first impulsive moment,
one which resulted not in nothing .. but in a lot actually, from human perspective.

First and foremost - it showed who actually cared, and who really didn't - who are
real friends, and who are fake ones.
Those who really cared, like that girl who works for her, went along with it.
I bet that girl shall prosper soon, and have much better salary, and value in her eyes.

Her father was just a bystander in all that, unobtrusive observer of 'that madness',
which was her call. She finally let herself go. Sure; in a strange way, but still.
And in the end she runs half naked, to the park, just to hug him.

Wasn't that something?

Oh, the humanity...


Yes, I in general agree with you.

My point is this scene work for Ines character, but not for the movie because I think the scene ending in nothing.
The Ines scene ending in a big hug OK..!!, but what about the naked party ??

Maybe is a different culture perception about nudity.
I haven´t problem with nudity but in a more friendly way.

It was a pleassure to talk with you ..!

Hablo mejor español :)


I'd say it does work for the movie since it's about the father-daughter relationship, which does progress (either +/-). The naked party just like all the other scenes and characters we see just serve as a tool to reveal character, for us to see what they do when they're under stress. It's like peeling back their outer layer getting more and more to their core as the movie progresses, from friendly superficial small talk (at the beginning when we first see them interact) to the end scene where both of them gets down to something real and deep they both felt they owed to one another.

As for the naked party scene, as interesting as it has been to watch that unfold, I'm fine the way that scene ended, because inside with others they couldn't even be real with one another, the father had to stay silent so the ones in the room wouldn't recognize him so after a time there was no real reason whatsoever for him being there in a room full of naked people, who even started to get their undies on as we see the father slowly trying to get away after he was revealed to the daughter's boss, and the purity of the nudity bubble being burst.


Yes, your point of view is very interesting, but maybe the naked party is more like a director´s blow of effect.

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But she was naked in front of her father. That was even weirder than the scene itself. The ending of the movie was the only credible part. He says let me get my camera, and then never returns. So he can just have the memory.

Still, all in all, I did not like the movie. Shame because I felt the daughter is a great actor. I would like to see her act in another film, but this one was a bomb.


Because she was so incredibly frustrated that she couldn't care less. It's like when you're depressed you start crying in public not caring whether people see you or not. Or neglect hygiene.

Here the naked party was a hilarious trick that demonstrated the conformism of the people and their lack of rules.


Yes it is possible...!

Hablo mejor español :)


One thing many here may not know: Germans tend to be much more comfortable with nudity than Americans are. Lots of nudity in bath houses and on beaches.
