Possibility of being a $1B movie

Do we think Guardians has a shot at being a billion dollar movie? The first film fell $227M short of it. People loved the first movie, they're an established property now, Baby Groot is a thing, and Pratt is now an A-list star. Do we think that this is enough to fill the $227 gap? It would be astonishing if it didn't at least surpass the original, but we'll see. The only real competition it should have is Alien: Covenant. It's also a space movie, but I feel like they'll be targeting very different audiences. Pirates of the Caribbean opens up at the other end of the month, but it will have made most of its money by then.

Looking through what else is opening, I kind of feel bad for Wonder Woman. It looks pretty good, which is a good change of pace, but it opens right after Pirates of the Caribbean. A week later, the Tom Cruise lead The Mummy opens up, with Cars 3 coming the week after. Whatever it has left is going to be finished off once Transformers and Despicable Me open at the end of the month. Later on, Spider-Man will have to deal with Planet of the Apes, Thor will have to handle Justice League, and Justice League will be taking on Star Wars.

Next year is overloaded with blockbusters, even more than this year, which has already resulted in a lot of movies under-preforming. It sucks for the actually good movies, but maybe it will teach Hollywood to ease up on all of these franchises.


I could see it doing well over a billion. The first film came out of nowhere. And it really does have mass appeal.


It's difficult to say. Civil War made over a billion but not by a huge margin, and that had massive hype, great word of mouth and Spider-Man too. I expect over $800m, but I've no idea beyond that.


That's one thing that I think we should all really consider.


If with virtually noone knowing about them can take the first film to all most $800 million I don't see why now with so many more people knowing about them this can't take $1B

Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it


It definitely has a chance.

Dormammu, I've come to bargain.


My dad, who's 65 and doesn't watch any of the superhero movies at all, loved the first one and is excited for the second. My sister, who absolutely abhors superhero movies and refuses to watch them even on DVD/blu-ray, is having me drive an hour and a half to her house so we can see the movie together with her husband. These are people who see maybe one movie in theaters every 2 years. GOTG appeals to a much wider audience than Justice League ever will. That alone will put it within reach of $1B.

But everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around.


That's good to hear


It has the advantage of being an action adventure space opera much more than a superhero movie. It's like our generation's Star Wars.


I think it's going to be huge. The first one seems to be very fondly remembered, and unlike the other Marvel films the audience hasn't had a chance to catch up with these characters in other franchises. The new trailer does a good job of selling this as just "a fun time at the movies". The appeal will be broad and I don't think there's been too much out there with a similar tone and setting.


100% going to be a $1B Movie


I wouldn't go that far, but I think it has a better chance than Spider-Man: Homecoming.


I think it is almost guaranteed.

I don't seek justice. I stalk it!- Misty Knight


» 1 day ago (Sun Dec 4 2016 11:55:20) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2002
Post Edited: Sun Dec 4 2016 11:55:43

If with virtually noone knowing about them can take the first film to all most $800 million I don't see why now with so many more people knowing about them this can't take $1B

Just how it goes sometimes. Sequels usually drop from their predecessors, even if the sequel is considered the better film (Empire Strikes Back, Spider-Man 2). Of course for each example of a drop off there are those sequels that explode from the first.


marvel has a pretty good record so far for sequels.. the only one that did less than the original was Age of Ultron.

Captain America, Iron Man and Thor all had sequels that did better than the original.. and Cap 3 and Iron Man 3 all got over a billion.


Judging from the trailer, I think this has beyond a reasonable chance of making one billion WW.

I have a very long ignore list


Every MCU sequel has made more than it's predecessor apart from Age of Ultron, but The Avengers was a massive cinematic event to be fair.


1 billion will certainly happen.
