Possibility of being a $1B movie

Do we think Guardians has a shot at being a billion dollar movie? The first film fell $227M short of it. People loved the first movie, they're an established property now, Baby Groot is a thing, and Pratt is now an A-list star. Do we think that this is enough to fill the $227 gap? It would be astonishing if it didn't at least surpass the original, but we'll see. The only real competition it should have is Alien: Covenant. It's also a space movie, but I feel like they'll be targeting very different audiences. Pirates of the Caribbean opens up at the other end of the month, but it will have made most of its money by then.

Looking through what else is opening, I kind of feel bad for Wonder Woman. It looks pretty good, which is a good change of pace, but it opens right after Pirates of the Caribbean. A week later, the Tom Cruise lead The Mummy opens up, with Cars 3 coming the week after. Whatever it has left is going to be finished off once Transformers and Despicable Me open at the end of the month. Later on, Spider-Man will have to deal with Planet of the Apes, Thor will have to handle Justice League, and Justice League will be taking on Star Wars.

Next year is overloaded with blockbusters, even more than this year, which has already resulted in a lot of movies under-preforming. It sucks for the actually good movies, but maybe it will teach Hollywood to ease up on all of these franchises.


yeah i kinda feel the same about WW.. it seems like it's bad planning to go up against GoTG 2 and the tag team sony/disney spider-man and it isn't just spider-man.. it's got Iron Man in it too.

i hope WW makes back the money it needs before Iron Man puts a fork in it


Yes, I'm guessing $400M domestic, $1.1B worldwide. It will be a fun movie, and tough to bet against the MCU with their winning streak.

EDIT: After that awesome trailer I'm betting at least $1.2B. Baby Groot, a great space sci-fi superhero comedy, integral to the MCU, it can't miss.

My life has major plot holes.


I will be seriously surprised if this makes less than $1B, it markets to such a wide audience, and with a character like Baby Groot, it's bound to get more attention from younger children pulling their parents to the cinema. Then you have Chris Pratt, who, as you said, has rocketed to full stardom, or should I say 'Starlordom'?  Not to mention his new film with Jen Lawrence will only propel his fame even higher, so he'll definitely be a big ticket seller when this comes out.

I don't think Alien will be much competition for it at all.
As for Pirates, maybe it's just me, but that franchise has only gotten weaker and weaker, and even Johnny Depp isn't as loved anymore due to his many flops since the last Pirates film, so I don't see that being too huge either, although it is a franchise film, so I could end up way off, I just know I won't be bothering to buy a ticket.

The Tom Cruise Mummy film looks like trash, but again, that's just my opinion, we'll have to wait and see on the general consensus.

People will be hesitant about Wonder Woman, due to the sheer disappointment of the last few DC ventures, but if it starts off with a good critical reception, I think it will be a late earner. Plus, it's the first real female superhero led film, that's a huge sell, especially to all the PC folk and the whacko feminists. 

I predict that Spiderman won't have even a slight problem against Planet Of The Apes, sure, that will make plenty of money, but Spiderman will be absolutely huge, one of the biggest earners of the year, I predict.

I agree about Thor's opening, up against Justice League certainly isn't ideal, so we can definitely expect plenty of Marvel VS DC trash talk happening around that time. A big part of Justice League's reception will be based on whether WonderWoman is a hit, because if not, JL will surely lose some numbers.
The funny thing is that Thor will have the Hulk in it, and that will be more of a selling point than Thor himself. 


Possibility of being a $1B movie

Possible yes, but there is also the possibility that it drops from the first film.


I'd say there's a .01% chance it does less than the first one. I know people that didn't go see it because the trailer's looked stupid (something the director was apparently well aware of) and then saw it once it was on DVD and loved it. The audience has gotten much bigger for GotG. I expect it to obliterate the 1st.


Its a Marvel movie of course


If you haven't heard, they are also making a Dark Tower movie(starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey). If you are unaware, it's based on what is considered by many to be Stephen King's best and most popular book series. Also surprisingly enough, they recently pushed back its release date from February to July 2017 i.e. from a time of little to no competition to one where they go up against several tried and true franchises(which imho shows some major confidence in what they've made). In other words, I think it's got a lot going for it to become a surprise hit despite said competition.

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see


Now that the general public know them, and seeing how the first one was loved... no doubt about it !

--- Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed 50 people, then it exploded. ---


I doubt it,

I see it only making 900m world wide, which is still good of course.

Everyone thought Dr strange would make 800m and that just scrapped over 600m. People's expectations are way too high these days. Plus I feel there are way too many superhero movies saturating the market, too much choice and most people normally focus on a few to watch.


Everyone thought Dr strange would make 800m and that just scrapped over 600m.

Did they? Projections were much lower than that.


Also Strange isn't done yet, it will Lilley still just about get over 700million


Well as I remember everyone on the Dr Strange message boards was saying this. Like I say people have way too high expectations of these movies breaking more than billion.

I like Guardians but don't see this making over a billion.


I don't remember people saying that at all. Of course, I do have many people who do nothing but troll the boards on ignore. Those guys do it so that when the movie doesn't meet some outrageous number they came up with, they can claim it failed.

The bulk of the prediction by Marvel regulars were $650m-$750m.

Of course there are always those that are overzealous as well.


Nobody was saying this. People expected it to peform a little bit better than Ant-man, and maybe finish with 600m if it did well.

And it hasn't just "scrapped" over 600m, it will be at about 640m+ at the end of this weekend, and has months to go untill it finishes its run in cinemas.


Nobody predicted $800M for Doctor Strange...no one.

I think the highest I heard was $700M...and that was from the most optimistic.

The character is a B-lister and isn't any where near Spider-Man or Iron Man in popularity.

I personally predicted it would be lucky to clear $500M.

Needless to say, it got lucky.


Everyone thought Dr strange would make 800m and that just scrapped over 600m.

They definitely didn't. It was projected to pull in around $600m, but it's already made more than Iron Man 2 and is still in theatres.


Where did you pull 800 million for DS from?


Really? I thought Dr. Strange would top out at about what Ant Man did. The marketing wasn't good, I thought the trailers looked atrocious.


It's actually passed Man of Steel now too.


Its definitely appealing to a larger audience now that they have established themselves.
My wife for example has no interest in any MCU or DCEU movies but she already wants a baby Groot.
