
Sure, this kid's dream comes true and it's amazing to give a child such huge spectacle and adventure.

But if I was a dying kid who saw this movie, I'd kill myself in advance.


I agree. That does not make us bad people, it is just I think they are milking this a bit. I am glad the event took place, but to make a movie about it years later while there are many important things in this world to be concerned about, really. It just seems it is all for publicity.

I am sickened by the number of replies here telling the op to go die. What makes you think you can say things like that? Does that make you feel proud of yourselves? What amazes me the most is that you care about a five year old with leukemia and all the support people gave him, as do I, but to tell someone you never even met to die just because you do not like their post, shameful!

Speaking of, yes, why just focus on one child. I am glad the boy recovered, but what makes him so special? 1.7 billion people re-tweeted the 250 million Batkid tweets. I have a very difficult time believing there are that many people, 1.7 billion is almost the entire world, who would put their time and energy over one boy when there are tons of other suffering, not to mention unloved and unwanted, children in the world as well. I am glad there are good people in the world, but I think the 1.7 billion tweets are not just for the one boy, but other children as well. Why shouldn't they be? I think though the message in all of this is not that people are trying to worship him as if he was the messiah, or give him extra attention, but that even an ill child (and other children for that matter) can have granted wishes and have hope, support, and happiness. Think of the boy as an inspiration for other ill children, not as the only child who needs all the attention of the entire world. That said I wish the boy well, but I will not see this movie, sorry, and if you think I am callous and selfish, so be it, but I am not that at all.
