Anna eating that green apple

Ok what in the world??? Is she anorexic? That was the strangest scene.

By the way, why is Erica so mean to her while breaking up with her? She seems sadistic in a way, being cruel to her while breaking things off.
Why does all the offices have nothing on the desks, so furniture etc.?? Even the apartments are minimal.

The other story with Bria is just odd.


That was a sister scene to Doug Stamper of 'House of Cards' drinking whiskey with a syringe.


It was meant to show how stressed she was I was think. She was eating nothing but gnawing on the apple like a stressed dog. And although eating nothing is terribly bad. An apple is incredibly nutritious. They were just trying to make her look sick and demented. Like a scary scene. Almost to emphasis we wont know what she'll do next. Kill herself? Kinda like a fatal attraction scene.

Erica is mean and sick. We see that later. None of these women are healthy, hence why they make terrible choices and act nihilist.

I was just thinking that lol. yes the show looks great and amazing. But every scene and enviornment looks like the same style no matter where they are. Makes me think these people have no other world or know other tastes or know the poor. It makes the show look bad because it makes it seem like the producers are absent from the real world.
Nothing is so sleek, and clean, and well designed all the time.


Great input thanks! The first season of this show was the best one.
