MovieChat Forums > Z Nation (2014) Discussion > Is anyone else bothered by this?

Is anyone else bothered by this?

It's 3 years into the zombie apocalypse and one of the female characters is still sporting a dark red hair dye job and perfectly manicured eyebrows. There's the Hispanic guy in a nice black suit with a perfectly shaped goatee and shiny black shoes, and one of the early episodes in season 2 shows a black SUV full of bad guys in skull masks. Nothing about wardrobe or makeup (except the ever morphing Murphy) says post apocalyptic life and it's a constant distraction that's annoyingly comedic. I'm all for suspension of disbelief (the very act of watching this show requires complete abandon of it in fact),but this is one of the biggest plot holes in my opinion.


It's probably easier to find hairdye and a manicure kit than food or gasoline in the apocalypse... :D


Seems like an odd complaint to me. The charters wardrobe not being apocalyptic enough seems less ridiculous to me than the fact that many locations still have power (who's fueling and running the power plants?). Or the fact that all of the characters and all the bad guy survivors they have to fight seem to have an inexhaustible supply of ammo. 3 years of firing thousands of rounds a day, you'd think they'd run out of bullets by now. Surely 3 years in all the guns stores would have long since been looted. Where do they keep getting more ammo? These things stand out "plot holes" to me much more than the the characters clothes. I'm just using them as examples though, it doesn't effect my "suspension of disbelief". In horror/comedy/adventure about post apocalyptic zombie society i kind of expect it to be ridiculous.


So the biggest plot hole is the girls hair and not the perpetual motion cheese wheel? lol


did you notice the dead people walking around


Yea it bothers me too. Warren's hair should be looking a lot different than it does. The nice eyebrows kill me too.

Good point on the ammo

No Roger, no Rerun, no rent


They have lots of downtime to putz around with these things.


Nope, its just part of the genre.


As a black woman the warrens hair annoys me. Not because it's silky my mom hair is silky but because they let it be straight vs wavy. The actress naturally has silky wavy hair from what I can see(I've seen her in other things). So it's not a stretch but her hair being straight is weird to me.


You could make the argument that when people raid and loot they only get the *beep* that's 100% needed. The obvious being food, water, ammo, guns, med supplies.

No one would concern themselves with things like hair dye, which means if you really wanted to chances are extremely likely that stuff would still be sitting on the shelf. So them being able to obtain that stuff isn't surprising. Women wanting to keep up their appearance also shouldn't be all that surprising. In a zombie apocalypse that's been happening for years there's no new movies, tv shows and electricity would depend entirely on your camp's situation. So needless to say grooming your eyebrows isn't exactly something that requires a professional or any type of tools. All it would take is time, something people would have that's just sitting at camp all day.

People that have a base camp that has running well water and electricity rather it be solar or wind will be able to wash their clothes no problem. Being able to loot clothes from stores also wouldn't be a problem.

I find that people who complain about this stuff have very little critical thinking skills..

For example, just think about how long a single tube of toothpaste last you for. Now imagine going to a deserted store, heading to the back to find everything still in boxes. Just a case of toothpaste would be enough to last you probably for the rest of your life (assuming there's a drastic decrease in life expectancy). So that would explain decent dental hygiene in an 'apocalypse'.


My critical thinking skills are solid and likely stronger than yours. I work in wardrobe and was commenting from that perspective alone. But hey,if you need to insult my intelligence,by all means little one,take it if you need it.


They didn't insult your intelligence, dimwit. They said you have a problem with critical thinking, which is true. You consider yourself a "professional", so in your mind you will ALWAYS be correct on this subject. There are unlikely scenarios where grooming is possible, but none of those scenarios will sway your opinion. So anybody addressing what you actually wrote is wasting their time.

Sometimes you just have to give the benefit of the doubt that things existing on screen have a logical explanation. If you really want, you can make up an explanation. Know-it-alls are incapable of that.

Personally, I'm going with the anime explanation: that's just the color of her hair for no reason.


No. I'm bothered by Murphy and only Murphy lol. Which is a shame, the actor seems nice and he gets so much screen time.

Haters are gonna hate... And so will the misinformed..
