Season 7b: Looks like.......

.....everyone here finally gave up on it too.

Judging by the user reviews on IMDb, looks like it's really become a shit fest!!

But I'll bet Chris Hardwick is still fanboy gushing over it as being better than ever!!


Bump! Anybody still watching.....?

Anybody still give a fuck.....?


I am. I don't love it, but I like it enough to want to keep watching. Madison is coming back so it might get better.

Believe it or not, the biggest shock to me was what a horrible SOB Strand turned into! He's the devil!


I'm watching it, but it's been getting more stupid and worse every episode. Alicia and her chopped off arm, and how did Strand get to be so evil. Not to mention the stupid submarine in the middle of what I guess is Texas?

Now they have a new series based on that sub.

It's really sad because I thought they were starting to get it on track when Morgan and John Dorie showed up, and it got better for a while.

