Decent But Silly. SPOILERS!

Is what this movie amounts to IMO, & yes I did enjoy it but there were parts that made me gag & I didn’t understand. For starters take the ending with the monsters bowing down before Godzilla. How melodramatic was that? Didn’t care for it, rolled my eyes the entire time. If they did this because Godzilla was the new alpha then there are some things I want explained.

Weren’t these monsters in different parts of the world as was shown on TV in the news reports? If so how did they all make it on time after Godzilla’s killing of Ghidora? It’s akin to most action movies where the cops show up after everything goes down every single time.

Also when Emma discovers that Ghidora is the one responsible for the mass summoning of all the monsters not the orca, it’s assumed that since he’s calling them all that he’s their alpha, that they show or give subservience to him like they showed to Godzilla at the end, It’s logical to think that isn’t it?

If this is true then: Why did Rodan & Mothra attack him straight away when encountering him? You might say it’s because they were awoken by the orca & not Ghidora’s call like all the other monsters but still if it was as simple as that then why:

Did it seem Rodan then switched sides to helping him when Mothra joined the fray & was aiding Godzilla? Was Rodan under his “spell” as his alpha? You know did it “kick in” eventually & if so then why not Mothra?

Godzilla not being affected makes sense as he was the only other competing alpha. As a matter of fact Godzilla didn’t seem to acknowledge Mothra’s presence the entire time she tried helping him. Also if I’m not mistaken he didn’t have a fight scene with Rodan which really sucked.

The scene with Mark Russell on the boat is laughable. When the newly awoken & rejuvenated Godzilla sees him he’s obviously quite miffed. After all he’s the one who wanted Godzilla & all the monsters dead out of hatred for the loss of his son Andrew. But Godzilla had knowledge of this HOW exactly? ESP?

Uh did Godzilla’s new found psychic powers enlighten him exactly WHY he felt that way? Not only that but the guy changed his mind & was instrumental in helping him? That scene was dumb & unnecessary but what do you all think?


I understood it as Rodan fought Ghidorah, was beaten, and accepted his role as follower. Mothra, according to the legends, was Godzilla's friend, and historically they've fought together to keep Ghidorah in check, so even after her defeat she didn't kowtow to Ghidorah.


I like your take on it FilmBuff. Don’t know how true it is as these things were never explained but again I like your reasoning.


Jet Jaguar told me, so it's pretty much gospel.



Were you even BORN when us older fans were watching Godzilla films in the ‘70s?

SILLY doesn’t bother us.


Don't be a douche, & yes I WAS, so who are you talking to? Btw when I meant "silly" i guess you took it the wrong way as I was referring to the many faults that I thought the movie had.


How am I being douche?

Care to elaborate?

A real Godzilla fans WELCOMES silly.

Any of these “Johnny-come-lately” fans who finds it silly needs to rent the Megalon DVD.
