Aside from the Rabi

were there ever any other religious leaders 'caught' on this show?


I'm not sure about religious leaders, but I know they caught some guys that worked with church groups and stuff, can't remember the exact guys.


no most religious pedophiles have access to children through the church by dumbass parents who trust them too much they dont need to go online to meet there victims


agreed the smart ones do it through the church then get protected and moved around by the church.


Is that how the pedos in Hollywood and Washington D.C. get their victims? The church?


they are rich with the sheeples money who pay for there shitty content like cucks. thats why i only pirate my media content. i dont want to support the evils of hollywood even tho i have enough money now to do it easily i still sail the 7 seas no matter how many millions i get piratebay is my home. money allows them to get there victims from professional pimps. they dont need to hunt the internet like the bozos they got on this show


Ok. Very thorough response.
