Great remake...

Probably one of the best remakes I have ever seen. Despite it's flop at the BO it was a critical success...


To each their own, but, for all kinds of reasons, I don't share that viewpoint, never did from day one, and never will.


I won’t either. There was no need or reason for it to exist, and I’m glad it flopped.


Hi, StrongRex.

Thank you for your response to my post. I, too, feel that, regardless of what many people say or think, that there was no need and/or reason for the reboot/remake of the film version of West Side Story to happen and to exist. Frankly, I, too, am glad that it flopped.

How're you doing, btw? I'm doing well...hope you are, too. Take care--hope you had a good X-Mas, and that you have a Happy New Year. Stay safe, and all the best to you and yours.


Hi mplo, I guess I’m doing fine just trying to make big things happen in this horrid economy. Christmas was really good at least. Hope you’re doing well.


Hi again, StrongRex. Thank you for your quick response to my latest posts. Glad you're doing well, and that you had a good Christmas. I, too, had a good holiday time--saw the rest of my family on Christmas Day, had a great dinner, to which I contributed a homemade chocolate pound cake with a rich chocolate glaze, for dessert, which was at least half eaten, and there was much warmth, laughter, cheer, and good conversation. I also saw my mom and sister yesterday afternoon, for lunch as well, and had a great lunch.

Today was sort of a lazy day, but that's okay. I spent some time with Aziza, my almost 13 year old pet female captivity born-and-raised Congo African Grey Parrot, who I purchased at a very reputable pet store 45 minutes to an hour south of Boston, depending on the traffic, when she was just a 2.5 month old baby. I love her still, and just got her a new cage 3 weeks ago, as the other cage was sort of starting to develop various problems.

Right now, she's sitting on top of the highest branch on her homemade play gym, and hoping she'll get back in her cage soon. Anyway, take care--Happy New Year again.


Early 2023, and it's already forgotten, while the 1961 original remains a classic. In spite of it's flaws, the earlier film will always be the one that is remembered. Sixty-two years from now, when anyone mentions "West Side Story", they'll be thinking of the Robert Wise version. Nobody but film historians will even know it was redone in 2021.


That's Bullshit. Ask anyone under the age of 40 if they saw the Original or even new one and most will say no. The original is only remembered by those that are older and it following will die off.

Doesn't matter. The remake was excellent...


Yes, the remake was excellent, one of the greatest films of all time - no other movie can compare or even touch it. There are also pigs sprouting wings and soaring through the sky.


No one said it was one of the greatest films of all time you moron.

But it was excellent and the younger generation is never gonna watch the old one or even care at this point. It has been essentially forgotten over time. Except by old fatasses like you... 🤣


Apparently you’re unable to read sarcasm. Keep living in your fantasy world, you delusional troll.

And by the way, I’m 34.


34 is almost middle aged. You are an old man. Go back to eating your pizza and fries.

Troll???? Haha. Don't forget whose thread you came into with your stupid sarcasm. Moron. 😂😂


My, what very creative, damaging insults. Because it’s too much to expect of you to make your argument based on its own merits without invoking irrelevancy like age into it, and of course you get to decide who posts in your thread and what they can say. Do you need your diaper changed, oh younger generation?


Ahhhh hahahahaha. Is that the best you got? I'm still waiting for your argument of why this movie is so bad. ...just saying because it's a remake is a Fucking cop out.... 😂


Hey look, Galactus03! The fact that Spielberg failed to make even a quarter of the 100 million dollars that it cost him to make his new movie version of West Side Story says a lot--and not for the good, either. One cannot just simply blame it on the Covid-19 pandemic, either. To write why I think Spielberg's reboot/remake of the film version of West Side Story was such a failure at the box office would take up much too much time and space on this board, but I could only bring myself to watch part of it on my computer, because I thought it was dreadful all around.
