MovieChat Forums > West Side Story (2021) Discussion > Check these comments out about Spielberg...

Check these comments out about Spielberg's WSS

I've mentioned "rave reviews" for Spielberg's West Side Story in a couple of posts I made on this site. I was referring to people who comment on YouTube videos. I surely hope I'm not breaking any rules of this site but I'm linking just one video so people can read the most impressive positive reviews about this film.

This is just one example of the many comments on the many videos that are posted on YouTube. You will see just how people LOVE this film.......


No one is replying? I don't understand.

This next video is just the audio for "Tonight" Just listening to both of these beautiful voices and the orchestra makes me weep. The two of them are splendid together......


Ansel's voice is PERFECT for Tony. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this.......


I respectfully disagree with you here.


Yes, you like it, some people on YouTube like it. But the wokeness of the film and Spielberg's comments put me off. Fortunately, there's already an excellent film of "West Side Story" without any of that baggage.


Most people commenting on YouTube are raving about this movie. I do not, in any way shape or form, advocate this “woke” movement. I even detest the name. I just love this movie and everything about it. I’m seeing it for the third time today.


My sister in law saw it, and she said it sucked. Bad.

This movie didn't bomb because of its idiotic wokeness, but because it's the wrong film at the wrong time. It also sucks...


You are in the minority on that. It got good critical reception and good user scores.


So what if the naysayers regarding Spielberg's reboot/remake of the 1961 film version of West Side Story are in the minority. Having seen parts of Spielberg's reboot/remake of the original 1961 film version of West Side Story, and listened to the soundtrack to the 2021 film version WSS from beginning to end, I stand by my decision to take a hard pass on seeing the entire film in a movie theatre, or at all.

To me, there's only one film version of West Side Story, and that's the old, original 1961 film version.


I already dealt with you in the past. You have no grounds to stand on in weighing in on this discussion. Your mind was made up before you saw the Westside Story remake. I already defeated you in this debate. I put more stock in what the majority says over you. Go watch that overrated original one that is absolute garbage. I will watch a better made film. Piss off! Over and out!


I don't give a shit what you think, moviefanatic505. I stand by everything I've said here, even if I am in the minority regarding my opinions. You don't like what I have to say...tough shit. Go and watch that overrated, hyped up reboot/remake/adaptation that Spielberg's film version of West Side Story is. Just don't try to get me to go along with the you and everybody else, that's all.


I never did you responded to this . Piss off and get a life. You are an idiot leave me alone.


No, moviefanatic505--why don't YOU piss off and get a life. You're the idiot, not me. Leave ME the fuck alone, and I'll leave you alone.


I won this debate. Now piss off. You are garbage. Clean up your mouth.


Why don't YOU clean up YOUR mouth--and change your attitude? You don't have to agree with me, but just don't be so goddamned insulting, that's all.


Why should I when your opinion is trash? You literally had your mind made up before seeing the film. Why should I listen to you? If you had actually seen the film and shown you were open minded you would be worth listening to. You showed you are a closed minded fool. Which means you are not worth listening to. I can disagree with someone and be civil. I do not give respect to people who berate others for their view while not having even seen it nor giving it a chance. Respect is earned it is not given.


Hey, look. In the first place I've seen enough of the Spielberg film version of Wet Side Story, and have listened to the soundtrack for the 2021 film version of WSS, plus, I've never had a good feeling about reboots/remakes of older classic films in general, especially something such as West Side Story.

Part of the reason that I'm taking a hard pass on seeing Spielberg's film version of West Side Story is that it would be way too difficd mostult for me to sit through, as well as well the other reasons that ai've mentioned on this thread.

Telling me to go and see it when I really don't want to is not the way to earn respect. You've shown that you can be extremely insulting and nasty yourself when you don't like what somebody has to say.

Just because the critics have given it rave reviews, and just because you and most everybody else on here has done likewise, does not obligate me to go and see it.


I already have heard your bullcrap about this. How many times you going to repeat yourself? I never once asked you to see it. I said I do not respect someone's view that is willing to weigh in on it if you never have seen it. I know your reasons for not seeing it I got it loud and clear. However do not expect me to give your word any credibility or any respect. You have not provided me one reason as to why I should respect your view on Westside Story.

You proved you have a closed mind therefore closed minds are not worth listening to. The end.


Frankly, moviefanatic505, I really don't give a shit what you think of me. The fact is that Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, unlike the old, original 1961 film version of WSS, which won 10 well-deserved, well earned Academy Awards, including Best Picture when it came out into the movie theatres in October of 1961, did not win any awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, either.

That alone says something right there. I think that you're the one who's being closed minded. Just because I've decided to take a hard pass and not go to see Spielberg's film version of West Side Story as a whole, doesn't mean I'm not entitled to express my opinions, and I have. You don't respect my viewpoints, and I"m not obligated to respect yours, either.. Over and out!


I already have heard you braindead idiot! How many times are you going to tell me you do not care what I think? I HEARD YOU!

Nope you do not get to appeal to authority when it suits you. You dismissed critical reception and reception by users. Now though you are citing the academy awards because it suits your view. So if you can dismiss critics and users I get to dismiss the academy. Where did I say you did not have the right to express your opinions here? Never did, I did say that I am not going to respect a person's opinion who has a closed mind. Your view does not get respect, you are some blow hard idiot who needs to get educated, you are a fool. I actually have more grounds to stand on to express views since I saw both versions. Get educated, and smack yourself while getting educated. Over and out!


You are extremely arrogant, Moviefanatic505! I stand by my saying that I have absolutely no intention of seeing Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, and if you have a problem with that and think I'm closed minded, that's your prerogative. Your calling me a fool, a braindead idiot, a blow-hard idiot, etc.,doesn't prove that I have problems--it proves that you're the one with the problems. So what if you saw both West Side Story movies? Biiiig deal! Remakes/reboots of films that are happening today just simply don't interest me.

You're a real piece of work, moviefanatic505, and I have no goddamned respect for you either. Go fuck yourself!

Over and out.


No I just call out stupidity where I see it. I do not care if you have no intention of seeing it. Again you have repeated this several times. I just know that with idiots like you with a closed mind are not worth listening to.

You are a braindead blowhard idiot. I find educating you to be fun. Call me anytime you need to be straightened out again.

Over and out.


I think YOU'RE the one who needs to be educated. I call out arrogance, stupidity and assholism when I see it, so don't go thinking otherwise, because I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you care to believe, despite my expressing different opinions and viewpoints. You obviously do care about and are hot and bothered by the fact that I'm taking a hard pass on Spielberg's film version of West Side Story and not going to see it, or you wouldn't be trying to "educate" me.

Having said all of the above, I'll give you some advice: Stop trying to "educate" me, because I'm not the least bit interested in your brand of "education.


No actually I am not the one with the closed mind you are. You from the start were not going to give the Spielberg movie a chance. Why are you worth listening to if you have not seen it and are not willing to give it a chance? Go ahead enlighten me why should someone who has seen both listen to you? What gives you credibility? You have the floor.


You're not willing to accept the "We respectfully disagree" phrase. If you did, things would be a little bit easier. Don't you realize that in a democracy, people can still openly differ. You've got an extremely arrogant, insulting manner, which I dislike intensely. Trying to "educate" me isn't going to work. It seems that the only way you'll be satisfied is if I do something that I really DON'T want to do" See Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, which I'm taking a hard pass on. I've always had a gut reaction against reboots/remakes/re-adaptations of older classic films, especially something like the film version of West Side Story.

I've seen parts of Spielberg's West Side Story, and listened to the soundtrack on youtube. Spielberg's West Side Story, to me, seems too heavy, too devoid of color,. too forced, unnatural and unlike West Side Story, and too intense.

The soundtrack to Spielberg's film version of WSS is very metallic-sounding, bombastic, and flat in many places. Ansel's and Rachel's singoices are overrated. Rachel's voice is too nasal in many places. and Ansel's singing voice is no great shakes, either.

I could not care less if I'm in the minority regarding my refusal to see all of Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, or the fact that the majority of people raved about it. I trust my own instincts, and not those of other people, in this case.


Once again you keep repeating yourself. I do not care that you do not want to see it. Let me say it again I got you LOUD AND CLEAR! You want people to give your opinion credibility despite having a closed mind. Even after you saw it I would still not listen to you, because as proven you have a closed mind. You would not give the movie a fair chance. Therefore that makes you not worth listening to.

Yet again now I do not care if you have seen parts of it you are not worth listening to.

You can continue on in why you do not like the new film. If you were open minded I would listen to you, you have proven you are not.

Yet again I know you do not care quit saying that! Damn! I trust my instincts as well which is why I do not trust you. I have an open mind you do not.


I said that you don't have to agree with my opinions. Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm not the least bit interested in going to see it, and just leave it at that?

I wish to hell that you would!


I do accept your opinion. I get it you have no interest in seeing it. I heard you say this countless times. You now need to accept I do not listen to closed minded people. People like you have no credibility and are not worth listening to. You can post on here all you want but it will fall on deaf ears. You need to accept not everyone agrees with you.


Fine! I do not trust you, either. Over and out.


Good I am glad we are agreed. Piss off you braindead idiot. Over and Out!


It's all very well. Piss off yourself, asshole. Over & out!!


Go get yourself socked in the face. Over and out!


Ha ha ha! Why don't you do the same, jerk-wad.


Because I am not closed minded. You are a closed minded idiot. Over and out!


You're a real piece of shit!


I love it when I get insulted by human garbage. It makes me laugh.


Laugh all you want. You're the human garbage here, asshole.


Nope I am not the one with the closed mind. Closed minded people do not get smarter they stay dumb.


FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! Get off of my case and don't fuckin' bother me any more.


You are a closed minded idiot. Over and out!


Looks like you won here, Moviefanatic505!


I like to think so. mplo is just a closed minded fool that needs to get a life.


He has one here where he is schooled and put to bed


FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! Get off of my case and don't fuckin' bother me any more.

I'll also add that even the late Boston School Committeewomen, Louise Day Hicks and Elvira (Pixie) Palledino would more than likely make rings around YOU, insofar as common decency goes! People like YOU make me wish that Louise Day Hicks and Pixie Palledino were alive and in office, so that I could give them both my support and possibly my vote, just to spite assholes like YOU off. People like YOU pissed off Boston's white working-class ethnics into voting those 2 women into office, thus resulting in the disastrous Federal Court-mandated large-scale cross-city busing here in Boston, which, in addition to making many people more angry, fearful and suspicious of each other, did damned little, if anything, to improve a lousy school system. Over and out

You may think you're somebody, but you're a big nobody mixed with nothing, plus you're trash, to boot. People


@ mplo..........You seem to feel Spielberg made a remake of the 1961 Robert Wise film. That is not true. Spielberg has made it very well known that his film is an adaptation of the 1957 Broadway play with the book written by Arthur Laurents.

There are differences from the stage play and the 1961 film. In fact, Stephen Sondheim who viewed the completed Spielberg film before he passed away, stated he much preferred Spielberg's film. That right there says something very special about Spielberg's film.


Come on now! A reboot/remake of a film is a reboot/remake of a film, even if it's an adaptation of the original 1957 Broadway stage production. The old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story was also an adaptation of the original 1957 Broadway stage version of WSS. Don't kid yourself.


Yes, I'm aware the 1961 film was an adaptation of the 1957 stage play. Robert Wise's film made several changes to the play. Spielberg followed the stage play more closely. There must be a reason why Stephen Sondheim claimed he preferred Spielberg's film over Robert Wise's film. I have not read about Sondheim's reasons why he preferred Spielberg's film and I wish he made that known before he passed away.


I still stand by everything I've said, even though I've read all your replies to my messages, including this one. You, me, and some other posters on here are on different teams regarding Spielberg's film version of West Side Story--that's all.


It's a bomb. That tells you all you need to know. Reviews? I never read them because they are always biased. In this case, I can see these reviewers giving this production a thumbs up in order to keep their jobs.


By this logic Blade Runner Children of Men and King of Comedy are terrible films then? Those were also box office bombs. Bad logic there. So reviews are biased but you aren't? Okay dismiss the critics, what about the users/massive audience giving it good reviews? They are not on any payroll so? I put more stock in both critics and massive audiences than you.


It's a bomb..


So by that logic Blade Runner, Children of Men and King of Comedy are bad films. Correct? I mean after all they were bombs...


Neither had anywhere near the pre-release publicity of this bomb. This bombed in spite of its considerable pre-release buzz.

It's a bomb because it sucks.


Also not true. Blade Runner was heavily advertised and tried to catch the wave of the scifi because it was shortly after Star Wars. Also it was directed by Ridley Scott who before that had done the movie Alien. That is a bold faced lie.

Nope as I said I will trust the critics and audience reviews over you.


Nope as I said I will trust the critics and audience reviews over you.

Good for you. Don't trust yourself - listen to others. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I think for myself. But I'm glad you're enjoying it because "the critics and audience reviews" tell you to.

BTW, it was a bomb.


Good agreed. Now I can consider the film great and so can others without your approval. Now be on your way.


"Singing in the Rain" was a dreadful box office failure and did not win any academy awards. That movie is now known as one of the best musical films ever made and has a reputation of one of the greatest films ever made. Go figure.


@ strntz.............I get it. Spielberg's film is a box office failure. From what I'm understanding why this has happened is that this film's audience reads "older". It is the older folks who are staying away from the theaters right now while this Covid variant is raging out there. Young kids feel invincible from the virus so they are turning out in droves to see the new Spiderman movie. I get it.

Spielberg's film will gain in popularity in a couple of years when this pandemic is in our rear view mirror. That is just a gut feeling I have and in no way is a prediction as I do not have a crystal ball.

We shall see. Give it time.


I have no intention of seeing it. My sister in law is a big fan of musicals and she said it wasn't very good (forgettable and uninspired I think she said). Since I know her personally and have for almost 40 years, and her tastes closely match mine, I trust her. She has no ax to grind. I may catch a few minutes of it when it eventually makes it to cable and maybe I'll like it, but it seems unlikely.


@ strntz.................I understand where you are coming from. I'm not posting on this forum to get anyone to go see the movie. I get it; it is your choice not to see it. I'm am posting, however, of the positive aspects of this movie that have absolutely floored me in a good way.

My best description of this movie is one I continue to read over and over and over from other posters on social media. This movie is more realistic and certainly more "gritty" than the 1961 film. From what I have read, the Broadway show had grit and the Robert Wise film toned that grit down. Hmmmm, maybe that is why Stephen Sondheim preferred Spielberg's film over Wise's film but I don't know that for sure.

The coloring of Spielberg's film is not artificial like the 1961 film is. That was what was used 60 years ago and all these years since seeing that movie countless times, I never gave that artificial looking coloring a second thought.........until I saw the Spielberg film. The realism jumps off the screen in a big way and I just LOVE that.

The language that was allowed by the film censors 60 years ago is not nearly as gritty as what we see in films today,. I would imagine, in real life 60 years ago, language was used in every day life that censors disallowed in film. That, alone, is a big reason for another adaptation of West Side Story to be made 60 years after the Robert Wise film. I've seen Spielberg in interviews stating that he would expect and embrace another adaptation of the 1957 Broadway play several years from now.

One YouTube reviewer said she is sooooo glad that the Spielberg film does not use that dialogue by one of the Jet's girls....... " Oogely ooo" or however that silly expression was that she said. I think the Jet's girl said that in the "Cool" number but don't hold me to it. That is the sort of update that this new film has and IMHO, desperately needed.

Again, I'm not here to convince anyone to see this film. That is your decision to make.


If anyone here has motivated me to see it, it's you. I won't pay to see it under any circumstances but will probably give it a sniff when it makes it to cable.


@ strntz.......that was not really my intention but I'm glad you have given it some thought to see it when it can be streamed. You won't be disappointed.


Ice's girlfriend, Velma, who was one of the Jet girls, did not say that in the "Cool" scene in the original 1961 film version of West Side Story, at all. Velma said "Ooobley-Oohh!" during the pre-Rumble War Council in Doc's Candy Store between the Jets and the Sharks, after Riff had spotted Anybody trying to make herself invisable in the hopes that he wouldn't see her, and gestures for her to go.

The rest of this particular dialogue goes like tis:

Anybody: "Riff, in a tight spot, you're gonna need every man you can get!"

Riff: No.

Graziella (Riff's girlfriend): An American Tragedy

Anybody: ("shooting" Graziella): Pow! Pow!

Graziella: Oh, pooh!

Velma: Oooblee-Pooh! (breaks out giggling)


Really?!? What makes you think that Spielberg's film version of West Side Story will gain in popularity within a year or two? I don't see it that way. If it does, it may well fizzle out as fast, which, quite frankly, I hope it does. I've seen enough of Spielberg's film version of West Side Story to say that it's way overdone, too bombastic, has too metallic-sounding/flat soundtrack, the dancing is too hyped up, and the fact that all the characters from both the Jets and the Sharks were given elaborate backstories was utterly disgusting. So was the fact that the white European Ethnic American Jets were the dumpy, mixed with nothing bad guys and that the newly-arrived Puerto Rican Sharks were the great, upstanding good guys who were making something of their lives, and were innocent, was rather disgusting.

Tony Kushner is too parsimonious for my liking.


There are some negative comments on the many YouTube videos that I've looked at. In my best guestimation, less than 5% of the comments are negative so that leaves a whopping majority of people who FLOVE this movie.

As for the "wokeness" ( I HATE that term), what is actually wrong with casting Latin people to play Latin people in a movie? Is that what "wokeness" is? I'm so confused.

As for casting trans actor to play Anybodies.......the actor did a much more convincing job of the character which I still view as a tomboy. His/her acting is superb in this. I love that the verbiage about this character pulls no punches. ie: Arab to Anybodies in the police station. THAT was stellar.

Let's see, what else is "woke" about this film? Gee, I'm not sure but the fact that Spielberg's adaptation of the 1957 Broadway play is grittier and so much more realistic than the 1961 film. There MUST be a reason Stephen Sondheim stated he liked the 2021 adaptation better than the 1961 adaptation.

I have started to watch YouTube videos of the numbers from the Robert Wise film. As an absolute fan of classic movie musicals and lover of this original film, I'm aghast to say that I can see why this classic film needed to be redone.

The 1961 film is dated with the antiquated language, the coloring of the film itself which lends itself to look more cartoonish and more light hardheartedness where grit is much more appropriate for the material they are portraying on the screen. Natalie Wood, whom I have held up on a pedestal in this film, comes up so short now compared to the character Rachael Zegler created in the Spielberg film. The fact that Zegler lends her gorgeous voice to this character is thrilling. Her rendition of "One Hand One Heart" was sung live on set with Algort. Knowing that, I still could not hold back my tears when viewing this film for the third time.

Woke? Not from where I sit.


So what? Who cares?


I know you don't care but others on this forum may be interested in what people have to say. Why else do people read forums but to get perspective from others?


Some people go on and read forums just to write down what's on their mind, and I'm one of them. If I get into some good discussions, that's all very well. If I get others who disagree with me, well so be it. In a democracy, people should are able to express their viewpoints openly, even if other people disagree with them--within reason, of course.


Thanks, liscarket! I'm with you all the way here.


Yeccchhh! That girl's phony bubbliness and cheerfulness was positively sickening! Not only did I not agree with what she was saying, but her whole manner was totally off-putting to me.


–] mplo (1917) 4 hours ago

"Yeccchhh! That girl's phony bubbliness and cheerfulness was positively sickening! Not only did I not agree with what she was saying, but her whole manner was totally off-putting to me."
I copied and pasted this quote from above. Sometimes this forum is difficult for me to follow who is responding to who.

Anyway....just wondering which girl you are referring to who's "bubbliness and cheerfulness" was sickening to you.


That link that you posted at the bottom of your first post on top of this while page says it all, luvthepros. Don't start giving me a hard time. Just look and click on that youtube link that you posted at the bottom of your first post on here. Cut the crap.

Don't act dense. You're the one who posted that link, and you're trying to pull it off on me for having expressed an opinion on that little bigmouthed, loudmouthed blonde bitch.


I honestly did not know who you were referring to. Thank your for clarifying. This forum is not easy to follow for who is responding to who.

I didn't mean to act "dense". That "loudmouthed blonde bitch" as you described her, has over 700 comments on that one video and I read them all. Believe me, there are so few negative comments.


So what if most of the comments on her video are positive. That doesn't change my mind and/or make me want to see Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, at all.


I know you will not change your mind as you have said that countless times. I posted that video in my original post so others who read this forum can get a look at the comments from plain ordinary folks who have seen Spielberg's film. There are people who are on their 6th viewing already. I've gone three times to the theater to see it. I finally made it through the last viewing without a terrible headache from crying through most of the film, usually during the musical numbers. My headache was not as severe with this last viewing. LOL.


I've never seen Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, but if it gives people headaches, that, too, has re-enforced my decision to not go to see it.


My headaches derive from my holding back tears for the 2 1/2 hours of viewing Spielberg's film. I thought I had made that clear in previous posts. After being so enamored by the 1961 film all these years, I still find it extremely emotional to see another adaptation of WSS that hits me in the gut. The movie is beyond gorgeous to look at and then add the acting that is so much more realistic and the fantastic dancing that gets me each time I view the film.


To each their own, luvthepros, but not only have I seen parts of Spielberg's film version of West Side Story, but, just out of curiosity, I've listened to the whole soundtrack to Spielberg's West Side Story film version on youtube--and really didn't care for either what I saw of the film, or the sound track.


@ mplo....... I'm not a professional sound engineer or musician. Having said that, my perception of the NY Philharmonic is breathtakingly glorious to listen to. Besides listening to the soundtrack in a movie theater with excellent sound systems, I listened to the sound track through my ear buds on my computer. It doesn't get any better than listening in the theater but those ear buds of mine make the sound of the soundtrack beautiful. I don't know what you mean by "bombastic".

As for the singing voices.............
I listened very intently to Rachael's vocals after you pointed out the deficiencies that you heard such as her being flat on the high notes. For the life of me, I could not hear any deficiencies. In fact, why wouldn't the sound mixers correct any deficiencies with that auto tune thing that I read so much about? I can not imagine Spielberg allowing the finished product of his soundtrack to have any deficiencies at all.

Ansel Algort's voice, to me, is like velvet. His voice quality lends itself to the character of Tony, IMHO. I can "see" his facial expressions just from listening to his vocals. He is an actor and can certainly convey feeling through his singing. His voice "soars" on "Something's Coming". That, is my favorite number of his in the film. That song just happens to be Algort's favorite song from the show to perform (I saw him say that in an interview).

Rachael and Ariana (Maria and Anita) performed "A Boy Like That/I Have a Love", live on set. The emotion in their voices match their stellar acting and that is conveyed on the soundtrack.

Listening to the instrumentals form the NY Philharmonic is a thrilling experience, especially on a professional cinema sound system. I did not sit through all nine plus minutes of the closing credits instrumentals in the theater but I did listen on YouTube. The music is so moving to me and beautiful, I can not find any fault in those glorious instrumentals.

All my opinion.


Different things are interpreted by different people. I just did not care for the rendition of the WSS film version soundtrack score for Spielberg's new film version.

Imho, it would've been far better if Spielberg had created his own film with the same theory, or a similar theory to that of the film West Side Stpry, instead of rebooting/remaking/re-adapting a beloved great oldie-but-goldie keeper of a classic movie-musical that won the well-deserved Academy Awards, including Best Picture when it came out into the movie theatres in October of 1961.

That's my opinion.


I just now started reading all the comments on the soundtrack videos on YouTube. I saw your post on the first video listed. You don't use the same username but I know it is your comments from reading those same comments on this forum. You seem very passionate in what you have to say. I can not fault you for your passion.


Thank you for understanding where I'm coming from on this, luvthepros. I don't fault your passion for the new film adaption of West Side Story, either.


Since I've had some voice training and singing training, I can form an opinion of Rachel Zegler's singing voice, and I have. Her singing voice is too far back and not projected forward enough in many instances, and it's too nasal.

Ansel Elgort's singing voice is nothing to write home or brag about, either.
