West IS the show

Her character just leaps off the screen. Ana Ularu inhabits the character brilliantly. I was going to give up on the show after the premiere but gave it one more shot and it was in that second episode where West defied Glinda and did her song and dance at the funeral where she won me over. I'm glad she did, because pretty much the whole show (except for Dorothy, who is a cold mashed 'tater sandwich) has improved with each new episode. I think it's now clear that West's self-loathing stems from her guilt and grief in having drugged her sister witches and sent them to their deaths. A shame we probably won't get another season, but I am going to keep my eye on this actress, wherever she goes in the future. And I will be one of the (probably) few people to buy the series's Blu-ray boxed set.



I agree that West is one of the most interesting and complex characters on the show.

I'm also surprised at how low the fan base seems for this show. Yeah, the actors may not be the most well known, but the special effects are pretty good and the storyline decent.


I think a large part of the problem is where the network put it on the schedule: Friday night with Grimm leading into it. Though both shows are fantasies, Grimm is a cop procedural with monsters. It's fun fluff. EC is DARK. The audiences for the 2 shows are not necessarily the same. And the show should be on Sundays, like GoT.


I suppose that could be part of the problem, but people can just record it and watch it on their own time. I find that easier, but sometimes I watch shows live.


I agree that almost no one watches in real time, especially not with all those commercials to wade through. (Which is another problem with EC. How effective would GoT be if you cut to a diaper commercial right after Arya guts someone?) But, to choose to stream or record, you first must like the show. The premier was bad, Friday night viewing is low, and Grimm is the wrong lead-in. NBC treats EC like a bastard child. It's sad. Nonetheless, West rocks hard. Her wail of grief when Tip died gave me chills in my spine. Ana has the talent to show the good that is still inside this very damaged and emotionally vulnerable witch.


LOL @ diaper commercials after Arya stabbing. 😂
Commercials really do ruin the moment, which is why it's nice to be able to skip them.
I didn't think the premier was horrible, however, and I'm still not quite sure how much the timing affects viewership, although it probably does have some influence.
It is incredibly sad how much Emerald City is mistreated, misjudged, and ignored.


The same thing happened in 1995 with another Shaun Cassidy-produced show with a similar tone, American Gothic, with Gary Cole playing the Devil. CBS played episodes out of order, didn't play some of the eps at all, and kept moving the show to different times and days; but, today the show is a cult classic. I think the same will happen with EC.


Eep, that sounds horrible, but I haven't seen that show... yet.

