MovieChat Forums > Don Verdean (2015) Discussion > I love Rockwell, but....

I love Rockwell, but....

even he couldn't save this mess. Bad movie. Not funny. Pointless.


Loads of talent in this one, but the whole thing is just an awkward misfire. Though it was nice to see Danny McBride play a different character for a change.


Rockwell's legacy has been destroyed.



I'm so used to McBride playing that usual character that I got almost all the way through this movie before I realized that he was a sincere, decent guy.


I went down the Netflix rabbit hole during Corona lockdown and decided to give this movie a try since I am a fan of both Rockwell and Clement. Not even the inclusion of those two could save this movie.


AND....he was one of the producers. What was he thinking?

After Gentlemen Broncos, which had many of the same lead actors, I was expecting more. However, I got less. Much much less. And I resent that. How dare they? The nerve of them! The huevos! The cahones! They should be force-fed Ex-Lax for several days, and forced to listen to Justin Bieber B-sides, whilst an old Asian woman throws caribou phlegm into their faces.


What r u guys talking about? You mental cases....

If you don't think the movies are good enough, GO MAKE YOUR OWN!!!

What did you expect out of this? What did you want?

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


You're the mental case here woman. So if you didn't make the movie you have no right thinking it's bad? We expected and wanted a funny movie not this mess. You're obviously one of the crew, possibly the caterer.


What did I expect out of this? A good movie. I love Napoleon Dynamite so I was expecting a quirky comedy.
What did I want? To laugh.

What I got was an unfunny bore. Even Sam Rockwell couldn't save this mess. No wonder it was never released theatrically.


I think to really 'get' this movie you have to have some background knowledge of evangelicals and their consistently made up archeological finds. I laughed myself sick.


Watchable, but definitely Rockwell's weakest movie. Not his fault, though.
