Funniest Moment?

This movie had me laughing as well as on the edge of my seat! I thought it was hilarious when Kiley was attempting to get away from Eugene after discovering his secret hide-away. It starts off as scary when Eugene just pops out of the wall and attacks Kiley while she desperately tries to escape-it cuts to a scene of their normal, tidy pantry and then all of the sudden Kiley bursts through the friggin wall and destroys it 😂

What moments did you guys think were amusing?


The whole movie is sprinkled with funny bits that makes it work as a whole. To add on to my fav bits would be:

1) Every time Kiley gives the "wtf" face / "something stinks" look

2) It was a scene at the pantry where Kiley was trying to prove to the officer that there was a hidden passage there. No one believed her but another officer gave her hope when he walked in and said he found something......a bag of weed.

3) Amos comes to check on Kiley. The killer lets him in and was about to stab him with a knife but Amos asks for an object to open something, turns around, grabs the knife to use it. The killer just stands there with the "wtf" look.


Amos grabbing the knife was definitely the funniest part for me.


Yes!! I laughed the hardest when Amos grabbed the knife that was meant to kill him LOL!!! The movie had the right amount of humor and was a lot of fun to watch!!


Yes yes grabbing the knife
beating up teddy bear
something aint right in his head while he goes back to the tv followed by i know a
place we can hide!
eugene inside the cupboard
mom move your fatass! then im heavy bottom
when eugene shows her pictures
urinating scene

tears all day one of the best movies i seen in a while


Also when kylie and her mom reluctantly tell amos the house is haunted while in basement he puts up a finger like shh wait then pulls out a voice recorded lololol mom and kylie looking at each other all stupid like😂


I thought no one would mention the knife part! hahaha. Amos grabbing the knife leaving Dennis with the wtf face. Hilarious! :)


Grabs it. Nah, its too thin. LOL


The cheese grater.


Eugene: "I know a place we can hide..."


The cheese grater was very good and very unexpected.



I thought the best line of the movie was when Kylie says that she will smash the hostile spirits in the face if she encounters them and Amos mutters under his breath, “You can't punch ectoplasm.”


When her closet door creaks open, she takes it off the hinges and then a few moments later, an even smaller door creaks open inside the closet -- I laughed at that for like 5 mins. Had to pause the movie...


To me the funniest moment was followed by the scariest.

When the mother tries to turn the lights back on and she says "oh i just tried to turn on a light switch and realised that's why i'm down here in the first place".

I was LMAOOOO-ing. Then that thing appeared and my laughed turned into a gasp.

Very well done because i went from 0 to 100 real quick. I love how they did that.


I was most amused when I had a wet fart at 18:23 and had to change my underwear. I guess that's when I missed all the funny parts?


When the lights went out and someone said, "Oh, dear......"


This scene in the police station:

Kylie: This is going to sound crazy--
Amos: I know. There's someone living in your walls.

Hahahaha. I thought that was a hilarious take on the familiar "one character tries to convince the other the horror is true" scene in every horror movie.


They actually poked fun at traditional horror movies a few times. eg. The scene where she is looking into a bathroom mirror and it builds up to the point where you would normally have the cheap scare of a reflection of 'something else' in the mirror (usually followed by a loud noise), and then they don't do it.


Yea there were a number of scenes like that, which I loved.

Nobody mentioned the EVP's Amos tries to get and it is this long take with him asking the questions and then pausing after each one. After three questions he's playing what he has recorded and makes you think "well, of course there will be some kind of distorted voice or noise after the third question", and you're waiting and waiting until he's finally done playing the tape up to the last question and then it just doesn't happen. lol

Also when the mysterious, mean-looking neighbor asks Amos to come with him, very eerily, and goes to the back of the house. Every Horror movie would have him attacking Amos from the back and killing him. And he even shows him the secret room and asks him to go in there. Everything is screaming "danger" in this scene, but nothing happens. In fact, the neighbor guy turns out to be a pretty sound guy. :D

And yea, all the jump scare buildups without having the actual jump scares was great too.

One more thing nobody mentioned is right at the beginning when the mom rear-ends the car. Me and my friends didn't know it was a more comedic tone at that time and that made that scene so unexpected. And then the mother shows up at the window with a totally overdone too-loud-music-cue (guess this would count as a jump scare after all, lol). At that point, I leaned back and thought "I think this is gon' be good". :)

I love how they messed around with these stupid cliches. Really a gust of fresh air in the horror genre. Enjoyed it a lot.


Adding to the EVP scene are the expressions on Kylie's face. It's like she's starting to buy into the whole supernatural thing, and then gets that WTF are we doing moment. lol

I agree,it was a fun watch. IMO the dramatic pauses, anti-climatic build ups and the stop/start tempo of the film made it better than most give it credit for.
