Funniest Moment?

This movie had me laughing as well as on the edge of my seat! I thought it was hilarious when Kiley was attempting to get away from Eugene after discovering his secret hide-away. It starts off as scary when Eugene just pops out of the wall and attacks Kiley while she desperately tries to escape-it cuts to a scene of their normal, tidy pantry and then all of the sudden Kiley bursts through the friggin wall and destroys it 😂

What moments did you guys think were amusing?


how about her dragging mr sledgehammer back to the car???

her peeing???

fvking dialup!!!!!! DIALUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all the books in the house

mum freaking out about coronation street. [sell some of those books that you know she never reads and buy another tv!]

the tap-out infomercial

her waking up to the computer on and this very bizarre image on the screen -- she turns it off without looking at [or letting us look at] the image. of miss tessmucher from the superman movie as a nun????

the jesus statue like it is freaking carrie white's house!

the cop dude comes into the house upon getting the break signal without any sort of gun or even a flashlight and proceeds to wander around the house in the dark?

her shaking so much it looks like she is wanking!

the light fixtures with no shades or sconces.

them going to the neighbor;s house without watching him leave to make sure he wasn't there!

the guy skins possums for god knows what... and then when they run away -- surprise! there's a bear-trap like trap from little house on the prairie times!

how she was able to leave the house to take grahme or however the hell you spell his name to the hospital!

the new-age almost star trek toilet when they still have dialup! and one tv!

how the mom just is there frightened and the daughter does everything -- even with a major knife wound in her leg!

how they never thought to say to the recluse [after they were being attacked by the therapist]: we are not here to hurt you! we need help. he threatens you, too, please help us!

the mom grabbing a jug of something to give to her to drink without checking what was in it!

a loose roof 'tile' is apparently big enough to fling at him to send him falling from the roof!

how the mother only had one punch in her in this movie!


Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


I love this movie. It is definitely high up in my top 3 all time favourite movies.
I have watched it many times and laugh everytime.
If you can get your hands on the DVD you should watch the directors commentary, it is even funnier than the movie and very interesting about the lengths they went to make it on the budget that they had. (SFA)


When she screams "Eugene!" in the last scene. Excellent movie!


I don't know why, but when Eugene is showing her the pictures he drew and he's just going through them all and then he gets to "and this is you punching your mum in the face" and then "this is you feeling bad about it". I don't know why, but I found it amusing for some reason.

Other funny moment Dennis putting on ear and eye protection while using the saw to cut into the door. I laughed so hard at that.

I think the best part is i didn't read anything about this movie (not even the summary) before watching it so the comedy really caught me off guard which made everything funnier.

Everything with the mom was hilarious though.


same. I watched it on a plane not realising it was a comedy and was LOLing a lot and thought " Hope this is meant to be funny 'cause if it isn't they failed "


I also didn't know anything about it, so it made it extra entertaining. I loved when her mom had to stall with Dennis and used her only weapon: insanely annoying stories.


Dude, the movie was hilarious but I cracked laughing after ten minutes when she says:

- There is nothing funny about having a mother with dementia, you know they put me on house arrest to have some stability!

Check my list of ghost horror movies here:


I did not really find any of the scenes funny, kept waiting for a funny scene



I really liked when Kylie tells Eugene she thinks his drawing is good and he immediately says 'I's got other ones" and pulls out a big stack of papers for her to look at.

Friendship is Love without his wings! - Byron


The moment when you realise what was in the jug that Kylie threw into Dennis' face in Eugene's hideout.


Kylie's peeing scene was funny and scary at the same time.
