MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Captain America the holder of the title ...

Captain America the holder of the title of BEST TRILOGY of all-time!

In less than two months everyone will be calling Captain America the holder of the title of BEST TRILOGY of all-time. The hater trolls might as well get used to seeing it in print now. It may ease the anger and frustration come May.

It will take the genre title away from Iron Man, that's clear but can Cap's three films be considered the best no matter the genre? Do you refuse to comment until you actually see Civil War? At this same point (after two films) people could have claimed that both The Godfather and Spider-Man were certain top trilogies but both third films were a step backward. Given the epic nature of the trailers and the early buzz, doesn't it seem highly probable that Civil War avoided the third film let down?

I accept your surrender.


I've posted this before on this board, so apologies for anyone who gets angered by multiple posting. Someone was using Spider-Man, batman and cap America as the golden standard for superhero trilogies and too claimed Cap America to be the greatest trilogy ever. So I decided to use the critics and audience opinions on all 3 films. Btw, anyone angered by Rotten Tomatoes scores or IMDb scores in general not being a good reflection of the general movie going public, the scores are virtually the same on each site. Although I posted both just in case anyone believes one site has a particular bias. So I don't believe snotty critics or trolls/fanboys can be blamed for any of these figures.

People can have their own opinions, it's just that this is a good reflection of the general opinion.

Using IMDb and rotten tomatoes average scores;

Spider-man - IMDB 7.3 RT 7.7

Spider-man 2 - IMDB 7.3 RT 8.3

Spider-man 3 - IMDB 6.2 RT 6.2

IMDB - 20.8

RT - 22.2

Total - 43

Batman Begins - IMDb 8.3 RT 7.7

The Dark Knight - IMDB 9.0 RT 8.6

The Dark Knight Rises - IMDB 8.5 RT 8

IMDb - 25.8.

RT - 24.3

Total - 50.1

Captain America The First Avenger - IMDB 6.9 RT 6.9

Captain America The Winter Soldier - IMDB 7.8 RT 7.6

Captain America Civil War - IMDB 8.0 RT 7.6

IMDB - 22.7

RT - 22.1

Total - 44.8

Best according to IMDB;

1. Batman
2. Captain America
3. Spider-Man

Best according to Rotten Tomatoes;

1. Batman
2. Spider-Man
3. Captain America


1. Batman
2. Captain America
3. Spider-man

Biggest difference between a film score on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes;

- Spider-Man 2 is 1.0 higher on Rotten Tomatoes than IMDB

Now, just for fun;

The Godfather - IMDB 9.2 RT 9.2

The Godfather part 2 - IMDB 9.0 RT 9.5

The Godfather part 3 - IMDB 7.6 RT 6.4

IMDB - 25.8

RT - 25.1

Total - 50.9

Toy Story - IMDB 8.3 RT 9

Toy Story 2 - IMDB 7.9 RT 8.6

Toy Story 3 - IMDB 8.3 RT 8.9

IMDB - 24.5

RT - 26.5

Total - 51

So to conclude. According to critics and the public, The Batman trilogy is the best superhero trilogy.

But it still can't *beep* with the Godfather.

And no one can *beep* with Toy Story.


IMDB numbers are not to be trusted on this matter. A few years ago, DC fanboys made it their mission to create duplicate accounts so they could vote TDK to the #1 spot on the top 250. And it worked. It has since dropped to the number 4 spot last time I checked, but it goes to show you that the ballet was rigged.


The Batman films are good but IMO Batman Begins was better than the sequels. I never liked that by the second film, the character shifted focus from Batman to the villains and even then, I thought two face was a better and more interesting villain than the joker.

I think people are overhyping the Captain America films because it got better with each film instead of vice versa.

But Imo, The Godfather trilogy remains my favorite trilogy, including tgf3.


As someone who loved the captain america trilogy, I do agree the lord of the rings trilogy is better along with the toy story trilogy.


Agrees on lotr and toy story, but also star wars ep 4-6 and Indiana jones 1-3.


Captain America: Civil War is simply an outstanding movie on every level. Even most of the attempted nitpicks don't hold any water whatsoever. When people want to hate on a film but can't find legitimate arguments, you know that's a quality film. I wish the fans of other films that couldn’t compete with the Marvel films this year would just get over it. Sure, Cap has outclassed everything else by a ton but that’s no reason to be defensive or to make threats. That’s life. It’s quite petty to try and bash a great film because you’re an overzealous fan of another franchise.

True buzz. These boards will be missed.

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I agree, the 3 Captain America films are very good, the best of Marvel. I think it's a combination of different factors:

-Chris Evans as the character of the more innocent and idealistic Captain America
- it's far more grounded than the other superhero and/or Marvel films
-the films are grounded in flawed human characters and builds on those characters, motivations, and relationships
-great and a breath of fresh air Villain in our current world of bland over the top villains
-the writers seem to take more care and caution with the Captain America franchise than the other Marvel films
