
Too bad, I really enjoyed this.


I loved this show! I prefer to watch this show over the one's that are renewed.


If by next week we don't hear anything about a network picking it up, we can forget about it. Most of the writers, directors, producers and actors will probably be looking for work if they don't hear back by next week. Ioan, Judd, and Alana will probably get pick up very quickly since they are very good. If one of them is gone then we can forget it the show wouldn't be the same and you will have a hard time explaining them leaving.

Joel - you can always say he left because he gave Henry the evidence.

Donnie - put in to go someplace else.

Lorraine - got promoted to captain.


I'm so sad that they cancelled Forever. Just when Jo was going to learn Henry's secret in the finale. The show is awesome.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


This was one of my favorite shows. I thought all of the actors from top to bottom were perfect. I so looked forward to it each week. I'm so sad...


There had been talk of cancellation for some time but I was hoping that, because they'd picked up the back 9 episodes, it would get a second season. I'm sorry it didn't as I think it could have found more of an audience (especially on another night!).

Kitty: Is there anything you can't do?
Dr. Doom: Knit. I find it too repetitious.


Sad news. It's a good show, one of my favorites, but failed to reach an audience. I blame America. I do wish we'd seen a couple eps with the dynamic of Jo "knowing".

If the series gets continued in books I can see myself reading them: having read 0 fanfics for/from other shows that is saying something.


I believe this was the reason..


beleive me i see America all corrupted....

Bond James Bond


I really liked this show. I swear I need to stop watching anything til the series ends, so I'll know before I start if the network knuckleheads cancel it too soon.



Seems every year we dumb down what we expect of American TV. While not totally different than some of the crime types there was decent acting, decent script, and decent chemistry between actors and actresses.

Too bad for the channels, as they dumb down what they produce I spend less and less time watching American TV and more time doing other things, and I can always go to Netflix to see what shows actually warped up their story-lines and had more than one successful season.

To bad their loss is ours also...
