finally saw it

Branagh was miscast and the moustache was ridiculous but his performance wasn't all bad. Poirot was much more physical and emotional in this portrayal. The story didn't need to be told again. I would give it a 6/10

No BAFTA award noms btw


Quite enjoyed the beauty and atmosphere of it. Definitely a story that didn't need to be told again. But if Branagh is gonna make a bunch more Poirot mysteries, I think this was a good first film for introducing the character in this iteration of the franchise.


I did not realize he was planning to do more. Thanks for the info.


So far as I'm aware, the movie has been in some form of pre-production since November. I think I read that on Wiki so take it for what it is. It made like 350 on a 50 mill budget so it did very well.


Death on the Nile is the next one as per imdb


It will be interesting to see how they spin it as the setup in the end of this movie sort fucx it up. Because here he is called to the Nile because of a murder, except in the novel this murder happens while he is on the Nile - and I dare say this difference is not trivial to the story at all.... plus he is more than a few days away now, so it will be old news once He arrives.

The only way I can see a way out it, is that he is called to solve some murder by the Nile. Solves it and then takes his long needed leisure time on a boat trip and dang it, another murder....
