MovieChat Forums > Annabelle (2014) Discussion > What's the scariest movie you've seen?

What's the scariest movie you've seen?

I want to watch them all!


well i h8 it?????


I would say Sinister and Exorcism of Emily Rose, Im not easily scared or I never get scared by a movie, but Sinister and Exorcism of Emily Rose have an awsome and creepy atmosphere and even more awsome scores that makes em very distrubing and unsetteling.

Ive seen alot of horror movies during the years and I think these two even beat The shining and The Exorcist and even Blair Witch Project which by the way is a big joke today.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Lot of great mentions so far :)

I saw The Exorcist when I was about 13 and it scared the crap out of me, but then again Scream scared me back then. Everything scared me xD

As an adult not much has really gotten to me (and I have a habit of watching horror movies alone in the dark, at night, just for sh!ts and giggles)...

Sinister had a great atmosphere to it. I loved that it didn't use too much music, but instead silence to unnerve (as far as a I recall anyway)
(REC) was awesome! It wasn't so much scary as just bizarre and fast paced but I loved where it eventually went (the end is what made it scary for me)
The Descent is one of very few that has truly spooked me. I had to walk home from a friends place at 4am after watching that one. I was thoroughly creeped out the whole way.
Paranormal Activity unnerved me a lot. It felt fresh and original when it came out. All the docu-style horrors that have come after just don't measure up.

Those are the ones that immediately come to mind :)

I was bored to tears by Insidious - Just not one that I enjoyed.
The Conjuring started out great and then went to pot at the end.

I love the genre but when it comes to supernatural horror I find that they all drop the ball when it comes to giving the backstory for the haunting/possession - that's where they all end up rehashing the same old crap and often break the (on occasion) creepy atmosphere that's been built up to that point.

Also, the less you see of the evil/bad guy/ghost/whatever, the scarier the movies often are. Just my two cents :)

I prefer the term interactive literaturist.


Although things that scare people are highly subjective, here are the movies that work for me:

- The Shining
- The Blair Witch Project
- The Exorcism of Emily Rose
- Lake Mungo (!!!!!!!)
- Paranormal Activity (the first one)
- Ju-On (original)
- Poltergeist (original)
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (original)


scariest movie as an adult, sinister
scariest movie as a kid, the grudge, jeepers creepers, valentine

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


The Ring

toh devres tseb hsid a si msacras


The Conjuring for sure. Wasn't able to sleep the night i watched it.


The Shining (1980)
Don't Look Now (1973)

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? That's his first mistake. That and the talking snake.


For me it's "The Exorcist." Nothing matches its haunting quality.
