Butthurt White Boys

The show has nearly an all black cast. The show isn't about you. But you have Game of Thrones and Mad Men reruns.

No one is tying you down and forcing you to watch the show. No one cares about your opinion. Take it to the stormfront website.

You have trump, Ann Coulter, and the alt right to make you feel better about your (you know deep down) pathetic, everything threatens you, frightened, scared, you really aren't superior selves.

Nobody cares about your anxieties and fears. Some of us want to talk about the show. Take your angst elsewhere.


The character of Luke Cage was created by two white men. So...






its established now that the OP is incredibly racist and actually regresses the african americans efforts.....

now thats what i call treason


OK then.


Naw, I just react to some of the stupid racist comments on here. And you know for a fact that most of the stupid comments on here come out of fear.

OMG, black people on TV! Even though I'm sitting safely in my mom's basement, so many black people in one place makes me feel like a minority (and we know how they get treated) and it scares and intimidates me so I lash out on IMDB where it's safe.

(\ v /)


Mehki, you seem to be the most racist person here. There seems to be a deep seeded hate towards white people, ironic since white people created the character of Luke Cage.


I'll be sure to let my European husband know all about it.

I just call out the stupid.

And there is a lot of stupid on IMDB.

(\ v /)


European is not an ethnic group. There are a wide variety of ethnic groups that are european.

But ye I think you should let your husband know that. You seem to have some serious issues.


I know European is not an ethnic group, but we all know when someone talks about Europeans, they mean Caucasian. Oh heck when the say, real Americans, they mean whites. I don't feel like giving out the name of his origin country, that's all.

(\ v /)




Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Complains about racism by being racist. That's really productive.




Shut up you racist troll. If you want to hurt the popularity of this show keep up with your bull crap.


I came to the boards expecting an angry white boy circle jerk, and I'm not surprised to find that I was right. I can't say that I'm "not disappointed", because who would actually want to walk in on that?

Seriously, though: they just don't get the power dynamics involved, between oppressor groups and oppressed groups. No, bruhs, it's not the same to angrily demand more white representation in the very, very few productions which are predominantly black (and still don't close the gap in representation, with their existence), as it is for black people, or any other people of colour, to demand fair representation in the excessive number of all-white or nearly all-white productions, with their myriad of pitiful excuses for not casting people of colour. That's because black people and other people of colour have faced hundreds of years of systemic, racist oppression at the hands of white people, while white people have been at the top of the ladder, kicking everyone down who tries to reach too high of a rung, and they definitely didn't earn their place, there.


You can't be serious? This is 2016. Those days are gone. Even Lil Wayne had to come out and say he never experienced racism. This is insane. You have a black police chief, under a black mayor where a black officer shoots a black suspect with a gun and it's the "white mans fault" Always. The thing, black people are leaders in 2016. The oppression days are in the past. If you don't want to believe that. That's your problem. It's always a scape goat. The real problem is the inner struggle among black communities. Just look at the statistics of black on black crime. That's not a lie. But even though it's an inner struggle of black people. It's easier to blame an outside entity. I understand that. But this is just stupid. I like this show. And I'm not gonna let some racist black or white person prevent me from enjoying it


2016 and we still see underfunding of Black/minority schools, Chris Christie scandal. We still see red lining, Detroit. We still need the DOJ to step in and correct underhanded and overt systemic racism in policing, California. As for Lil' Wayne, he grew up dirt poor and undereducated, and taking in the first point I made, hope you can see the connection. Also, he can escape racism to an extent due to his wealth, classism can Trump color – that's why he we P. Diddy welcoming Trump with open arms, saying he's a close friend but he's not too sure about voting for him.

Oh, and your stats on Black crime ... it's called proximity crimes and those stats are nearly as high amongst Whites and other faces in America as a whole. You commit crimes based on the faces around you. Blacks live in urban areas and are more likely to commit crimes amongst themselves. Whites dominant rural areas are likely to commit crimes amongst themselves.

If you need help with dulling the sharpness of your ignorance, I am available to help, so are other well-thinking members of this board.

"Honey, this isn't my first time at the endless pizza buffet." Bianca Golden


You haven't seen the crime statstic percentages. Also a lot of these poor Urban areas have black mayors, black city council members, black police chiefs, why do you ignore all that? So you're saying there is absolutely zero internal struggle among black people and it's all "the white man" keeping them down? Just look at the FBI crime statstics. I will link you the numbers if you would read them. But I don't think you're that ignorant. I think deep down you know the problems. Unless you have a really deep chip on your shoulder. Because if you do and I sense that you do. I cant say sh*t to change your mind.


Check out Tommy Sotomayor on youtube. He really breaks it down and all he's been through. This is a good video.


Wait, what? You think just because a Black person is given a position of power systemic racism gets erased or lowered in some sort of magical sweep of a Black hand. Cities that do have Black mayors, police chiefs, etc. still have to deal with those that face internal bias when dealing with judges, police officers, etc. Those people carry their own prejudices and harm on residents in those communities. And I know m stats very well, that's why I used them as an opener. Look into the DOJ reports on cities that they have reformed and become more informed yourself. You seem to live under some sort of fuzzy cloud where systemic racism has not been in play in this country since its inception. I don't know why you think it will be solved in any community that elects a Black official for one term, two terms – yeesh.

"Honey, this isn't my first time at the endless pizza buffet." Bianca Golden


It's just more horsesh!t. We've all been listening to the same line of BS fall from the lips of morons who all think their the first person who said it. I say let them speak. That way we know who the idiots are.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


You're 100%!

"Honey, this isn't my first time at the endless pizza buffet." Bianca Golden


Only a racist and willfully clueless (usually white) person would tell you, but you have a black police chief and a black teacher what else do you want? While in the same breath complaining that there are too many black people on one freaking show that's on cable no less, when there is GOT, Friends, Seinfeld, Mad Men and any number of shows past and present that has a nearly all white cast. Two of them set in NYC no less.

I've *never* watched *any* show and thought to myself, OMG all those white people, I'm scared. Is it good? Well written? Was Seinfeld funny? Yes. Was Friends? Yes. Watched both shows when they were around. Also binge watched GOT. Didn't even think about the color of any of the character's skin color. But lo and behold....

They don't see the irony or don't want to.

As I told a clueless coworker one time when she made the same silly observation. I want it ALL. All that I worked for and earned. It. never. occurred. to. her.

(\ v /)


Say there was a show that had 3 black people in it. 2 of them were evil, and the other was a bitch that got bossed around by his female partner. Judging by your posts, I guarantee you would be the one whining the loudest.


Nope and I've seen plenty of shows where all the black guys are pimps and drug dealers and all the black women are pathetic whores and before that movies with stupid shuffling, bulging eyes black men because dey so scared when they are not happy and grinning and tap dancing and big fat sassy-mouth black women who are maids.

Let's not mention asexual Asian male nerds with thick lips and glasses to match and bucked teeth when they're not karate chopping 50 other Asians. Then you have your Asian dragon ladies. Or sweet little Asian girls, who despite being surrounded by Asians in their own country, manage to find the one white guy, although their love is doomed and somehow she's the only one who dies and he returns to the States. Or the "Indian" savages who whoop and holler and speak in some strange English cadence while looking inscrutable and grunting when they're not scalping innocents.

Used to seeing stereotypical portrayals.

Here's what I do. I turn it off or I don't pay my good money to see it, but I don't go whining about it.

But, no, butthurt white boys see two black characters on a show and their feelings are hurt and they're whipping out their race card.

Give me a break.

(\ v /)


You literally are whining about it right now. Obviously you don't just ignore it, considering you have all these stock examples stored in your head.


You literally are whining about it right now. Obviously you don't just ignore it, considering you have all these stock examples stored in your head.

Yes because we like proving her point ten seconds after she makes it. You know, you can ignore her, too.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


I stated facts. Stating facts about how POC have been portrayed in the media is not whining about it. If I whined about that has much as butthurt white boys whine about a show that has more than two black characters in it, I would be prostrate on the floor from the unfairness of it all.

Pick a show any show or movie that has a lead minority character lead or several minority characters and read the comments on IMDB, even before the show airs and no one whether it actually sucks or not or how anyone is portrayed and read all the stupid racist, dumb comments.

Go on, I'll wait.

(\ v /)



Co-sign on most of what you said,because it's the truth. Like,for example,the new Netflix series "Dear White People" (based on the film, which is hilarious)---when the trailer for the show came out over 2 months ago, you had a bunch of crazy-a** psycho trolls online screaming that the show was supposedly racist and promoting, in their words, some kind of "white genocide" and hollering that they were going to boycott netflix. And this was at least nearly THREE months before the show even aired! In other words, these idiots hadn't even seen the show at all yet----just the title alone was enough to make them throw a damn fit in itself. I mean, how dare anybody address them as just mere white people,lol!

In the case of the new action drama 24:LEGACY (which is a great show,bwt--especially if you liked the original 24) some people had the nerve to whine about the lead being black, before the show even hit the air, because they thought his character was replacing Jack Bauer of 24, and God forbid Jack Bauer be black,according to these racist idiots. I guess they were gonna fling themselves the hell off a cliff screaming all the damn way down at the mere thought of it,lol. Turns out he's a brand new character, but that wasn't enough for some people. hell,people even complain about the main black character on the excellent NBC show Timeless, and have the nerve to say that he should even be there or go back in time, even though he's a nerd, an engineer, and really, one of the show's main heroes,too (as well as being one of the smartest guys on the whole damn show,period.) So yeah, this is the 21st century, and you still have these racists still act like we shouldn't exist any damn where---fck those stupid-a** a**holes. We'll always be here, whether they like it or not.


Were you disappointed. Asking for equality is somehow oppression for some folks - the way they see it. Considering the portrayal of POC for centuries, the whining is annoying and almost laughable and frankly sad.

(\ v /)


Damn girl, you're touchy.

PS: This show isn't about you either.


Yeah, I am. After listening to decades of this crap, I'm starting to get a little annoyed. ha ha.

(\ v /)


And the trolls keep 'a Trollin.

You really learn stuff about people when the're anonymous. I hope something good came out of me, 'cause i sure as f@*k see some bad sh!t coming out of other folks here.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx
