Butthurt White Boys

The show has nearly an all black cast. The show isn't about you. But you have Game of Thrones and Mad Men reruns.

No one is tying you down and forcing you to watch the show. No one cares about your opinion. Take it to the stormfront website.

You have trump, Ann Coulter, and the alt right to make you feel better about your (you know deep down) pathetic, everything threatens you, frightened, scared, you really aren't superior selves.

Nobody cares about your anxieties and fears. Some of us want to talk about the show. Take your angst elsewhere.


Great post, it's alot of racism about luke cage.


Or maybe it's a reaction to some of the trolls complaining about Black people in here. Any thinking person cannot deny that the roaches are out to play.

"I voted it 1/10 because the trailer sucked"

"I'm here to tell the TRUTH... (Insert racist nonsense, here)"

"What's with making a Ni@@er show?"

"I worked in the hood, it's full of demons!"

You don't think an African American would react to that? Should they react to that?

Scroll back a page or two. Read through some of the posts. Every time a movie comes along that has an African American theme the silverfich come up the drainpipe to freak everybody out.

For the record, since one of the KKK *beep* thought i was Black: I'm Irish. I just don't like a bunch of pansies giving me a bad name in front of a bunch of people i don't even know, so i confront them whenever i can.

I do the same thing when people go after, as Trumpf@ck calls them, "Illegals."

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Sweet Christmas!

We've won - https://goo.gl/0OVpgT


LOL OP is this site's biggest and dumbest racist troll.

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli


Oh, well then. Because you said it, it must be true.

No, I go after trolls.

This is a predominately black show.

What are you doing here, except to troll?

(\ v /)



No. We'll keep her.

But thanks for playing badly (C'mon, you can't come up with a better insult than THAT? Amateur).

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


You idiot I was throwing silly racism her way in the hopes that she sees how dumb it is, but low IQs present a nearly insurmountable obstacle.

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli


Hey, if you didn't make sense, who's the idiot here? I don't think it's me, bud.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


I can't. If I did I'd have to back go Africa, the Caribbean, Europe (Spain and France), and part of me would have to stay back here.

(\ v /)


The show had nearly an all black cast ... blah blah ... stereotypes ... blah blah ... indignation ... blah blah ... racist crap ... blah blah ... more racist crap ... blah blah ... insults ... blah blah ... dismissiveness ... Some of us want to talk about the show.
I suppose, in the broadest of terms, you did talk about the show ("The show had nearly an all black cast"), but then your keyboard got diarrhea.

Just leave, because some of us do want to talk about the show. Take your angsty butthurt elsewhere.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell



I'm white and I loved Luke Cage. I grew up on superheroes, fan since 1981.


I'm a white European and I enjoy the show. It doesn't matter the cast's colour, but the plot and the overall quality.


well id say mekhi girl is a racist...a pretty bad one
now thats what i call treason


it's typical snow chimp behavior. I wouldn't expect anything else from "these people".

Watchoo talkin bout, Willis?

You seriously expect someone to not react to that? That's only in this thread. Read the others.

Just leave it be, for Christ's sake. If you don't like it, watch something else.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Wow, you're kind of racist
