Butthurt White Boys

The show has nearly an all black cast. The show isn't about you. But you have Game of Thrones and Mad Men reruns.

No one is tying you down and forcing you to watch the show. No one cares about your opinion. Take it to the stormfront website.

You have trump, Ann Coulter, and the alt right to make you feel better about your (you know deep down) pathetic, everything threatens you, frightened, scared, you really aren't superior selves.

Nobody cares about your anxieties and fears. Some of us want to talk about the show. Take your angst elsewhere.


Hey now, don't be lumping me in with Trump. I'd vote for Donald DUCK before i'd vote for Donald Trump.

And Mad Men is boring.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx



Why are you making it a black-white thing you retard? No one cares about that, it's just a bad show?

You're talking to someone who was a big fan of The Wire and Oz, so there's that. Thanks. I'm also a fan of Luther. Take that chip off your shoulder, idiot.


Show is good! When you question someone about it being a black white thing your just adding fuel to the fire. If you didn't like the show, THEN DONT WATCH!.


Show is good! When you question someone about it being a black white thing your just adding fuel to the fire. If you didn't like the show, THEN DONT WATCH!.

He doesn't care about the show. He's trolling both black folks and white folks that don't think like him.

Just point and giggle.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Woah you have an opinion. You're a badass, so your opinion should be accepted as fact.


So... in an effort to make a point about how you are not prejudice towards black people... you called the original poster a retard, and did so in a pejorative way? Please take an ethics course or go learn manners.


I believe he called him a retard on the basis of his post and not the colour of his skin. While this does make him extremely rude and also a bit cowardly since he is hiding behind internet anonymity I cannot see how it is racist.

Or are you saying that insulting someone of another race is inherently racist? because that's a whole other can of worms...


But you have Have of Thrones and Mad Men reruns.

Whoa I don't like or watch either shows. 😃
Please don't allow literally a dozen or so totally irrelevant *beep* to shape your view of entire populations.
The trolls represent nothing and are nothing themselves.


Please don't allow literally a dozen or so totally irrelevant *beep* to shape your view of entire populations. The trolls represent nothing and are nothing themselves.

Yeah, they're only here to rile up Black People. They have psychological problems.

Of course, so do I, since i keep engaging these racist Trolls. But they're just so much fun to piss off!

(I do watch Game of Thrones, though, but mad men is only good for Christina Hendrix's, ahem, assets).

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Are you Shaun King? Christ.


I can honestly say i have never been asked that before.

But thanks for trying. Who the hell is Shaun King?

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Some writer activist for BLM


I'm white, and I loved this show. Everything worked. If you've ever been to Harlem or spent time in New York you get the vibe of certain places. Music was awesome too.


Same here. I've only seen the first three episodes, but I love it so far. Luke Cage has been one of my favorite Marvel characters since the launch of The New Avengers title in 2005, and Mike Colter is just perfect in the role. He was already a treat to watch in Jessica Jones.


What the hell does race have to do with anything? Love the race baiting you are trying to cast upon anyone that doesn't agree with you. Get over yourself.

Show is awesome, some don't like it, grow up.


If you don't have a problem with this show based on race, then the message isn't for you.

But read the other comments.

I for one am tired of reading stupid comments every time a show has a black or any other minority or for that matter a gay character.

I came on here to see a discussion about a comic book character and it was the same old same old, including that somehow this show is PC when it's based on a super hero character from the 1970's before PC was even coined.

PC which really means, oh poor me I can't tell racist "jokes" at the expense of everybody but me and now I'm sad.


If you don't have a problem with this show based on race, then the message isn't for you.

au contraire, i love how steeped this is in African-American culture. I was totally rooting for Luke. When what happened to Pops took place, it actually hurt. Misty Knight's always been a great character in the comics, and Simone didn't disappoint. It was ideal as a Luke Cage story. It's supposed to be a Black story. It's like Shaft.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


Hey don't post spoilers.

BTW this is steeped in only a fraction of "black culture".

Shocker alert, not all of us are steeped in crime.

Having said that, I'm enjoying the show. But I'm watching it the same way other people watch a show about the Mafia or some Irish crime show.

Oh damn, pops just took a hit.



Most of the characters in this aren't criminals. Keep watching. Sorry i spoiled, i thought you had seen it.

Though you make a good point. Not everyone is like me, waiting to 2am the day it comes out and then binge watching it until it's over and the sun is high in the sky and i'm dying for sleep.

My apologies.

But it's not all about criminals. You'll see.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


I'm only on epie 2


Gotcha. I envy you. You get to watch it for the first time.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


I'm only on epie 2

This show is like a rocket going into orbit. It just accelerates!
Episode 1 is good but 2 is better.
And 3 is better than 2.
But 4 puts all the proceeding to shame.
Now ... well just hold on tight for the rest.


hey 4 is the origins and has one of the best scenes


I loved how they worked the cheesy '70s costume into the show :D "You look like a damn fool."


Dont go to a message forum if you haven't finished the show...
Spoilers are on you...
This isn't some friends random facebook post its a forum on a site to talk about movies /shows. What do you expect?
Dont blame anyone else for *beep* being spoiled


You can't understand a lot of the complaints since you haven't finished the show yet. I really enjoyed the show until about episode 7 where it took a huge nose dive and continued plummeting until the end.


It does suck to see how any relatively high profile show/movie that focuses on any kind of minority, automatically draws hate-speech.

Me, I'm about as white as they come (Swedish, Dutch, German and Norwegian blood, so I'm whiter than white, essentially), and I absolutely loved this show. It's always such a breath of fresh air to see a show or movie with a lot of strong, well-written black characters, that doesn't allow any white characters present to steal the spotlight.

I'm not even going to try to analyse how well it captures black culture, because I simply don't know enough about it. I just know that it's a great show, about humans doing human things - even though there is a guy with superpowers right in the middle of it. And if it does capture American black culture well, then that's a very nice bonus. I do know that the music is freaking awesome, at least. 

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


It does suck to see how any relatively high profile show/movie that focuses on any kind of minority, automatically draws hate-speech.

Me, I'm about as white as they come (Swedish, Dutch, German and Norwegian blood, so I'm whiter than white, essentially), and I absolutely loved this show. It's always such a breath of fresh air to see a show or movie with a lot of strong, well-written black characters, that doesn't allow any white characters present to steal the spotlight.

I'm not even going to try to analyse how well it captures black culture, because I simply don't know enough about it. I just know that it's a great show, about humans doing human things - even though there is a guy with superpowers right in the middle of it. And if it does capture American black culture well, then that's a very nice bonus. I do know that the music is freaking awesome, at least.

what lovely, open hearted comments. i wish i enjoyed lc as much as you...i loved the first 7 episodes but then it began to slide. i'll be back for season 2.


Hey, thanks! And, yes, the show is very accurate about some aspects of African-American culture mainly because the main showrunner (Cheo Hodari Coker) is black, meaning the show also has black writers, which is why it captures certain things that a non-black person who's not familiar with AA culture wouldn't pick up. So,yes, it does capture a slice of African Americana very well, in my opinion (I'm black,so I know for certain that it does.)


Watchoo talkin bout, Willis?


Here's my problems with the show, why is there so many black women? Cottonmouth and diamondback should have been the sole villains right up to the end.
You already have black women as the main detective, police chief, internal affairs, reporter, main villain. Give me a break. Secondly the story was all over the place, no clear direction. Once they killed off Cottonmouth it seems the writers got lost.


Which episode did they kill Cottonmouth in?
I'm watching them out of order.
So far I've seen episodes 1, 4, 5, and 15 minutes of episode 13.


Why are there so many black women???

Um there are a lot of black male characters and their love interests would tend be black females? It's set in Harlem and in order for the police force to relate to the community around them, the force would recruit black people to the force and she worked her way to detective? And it's set in a predominantly black area, so the odds are one would encounter more black females?

Your question is ridiculous. You should have said, I wanted to see white females with big ta-tas. I suggest Game of Thrones.


You're complaining that their are too many black women on a show? Whatever----go back to watching some lame stupid sitcom with white people on it,then. You knew the show was mostly about black characters, so why even waste time making some stupid complaint like that about it? If you don't like it, don't watch it then. Geesh---some people are never satisfied, no matter the hell what.
