Why kill the cat?

Goddammit seems like all those terrible horror movies can't exist without hurting a poor fluffy for no reason



The cat appear to me mortally wounded and in shock they killed it in the humane way possible considering the circumstances it was an instant death. The cat would have been alive and suffering for several hours if they took it to a vet and likely would have bled out before it could have been put to sleep. I'm assuming saving it was out of the question considering the person that killed it has a lifetime of experience dealing with death and the injuries that cause it.





I think he meant what purpose did it serve in the story.

A few comments below this one, Maximus256 explains it well.



I know!!! I hate that crap!!


The film was better off due to the death of the cat.

Had it been two cats, the film would have benefited further.

4 cats and 1 dog? A masterpiece.

21 cats, 13 dogs, 3 hamsters, and a baby three-toed sloth?

Academy Award!!!

Quit your crying, you silly asses. It's a fictitious animal in a fictitious film. What are you, tards?



I don't get this mindset. This is a movie with dozens of extreme close-ups of a woman being cut open, getting her skin peeled off and having her organs removed and her head sawn open, and you whinge about the goddamn cat.

I will miss this hellhole.


The witch wanted Tommy to kill the cat, which belonged to his cherished dead wife, in order to put more emotional trauma on him. Same thing with the son’s girlfriend. Everything that happened (whether halucinations or not) was engineered by the witch for her ultimate goal: to be restored back to life again.


That makes sense.


1. Passé forshadowing.

2. Using trained actor-animals is very expensive. So if they have a pet, it’s only to kill it. Just once I’d like the pet to be the only survivor!
