MovieChat Forums > Base (2017) Discussion > Ignore the ridiculously low IMDb rating

Ignore the ridiculously low IMDb rating

This film's style might not be for everyone. It is a drama told in a sort of combined aesthetic of faux-documentary and found-footage.
But i found it thrilling. You join these people on real BASE jumps, feel real suspense and find that the drama is earned. At least I did.

The film is simple, yes, but effective and affecting.
One man's opinion.

I also admire people who take risks. Even risks for sport. BASE jumpers are wired to take these risks. Seems like the filmmakers of this movie are too. Not just in their jumping off cliffs, but in their stylistic choices of how to tell this story; a story that could have otherwise been familiar and conventual.
In their hands it is involving and immersive.

See it. What have you got to lose other than 90 minutes?



The IMDb rating is 4.8/10 for this movie but with only 119 votes that score is meaningless.


Not many people have seen this movie yet. So that makes sense.

