Season 2, Episode 9

A slow episode again. They haven't started exploring the secrets of Ganymede yet, it took them the whole episode just to get there.

Some new developments regarding Venus. We found out that both Earth and Mars sent a ship there, and that "there is life present in the air around the crater, despite the fact that temperature is high enough to melt led".

Biggest news was Draper admitting to Avasarala that she saw an unknown entity on Ganymede (before correcting herself). So, now the Earth also knows what was going on there during the battle. As Avasarala later said, "Eros changes everything. Just like a soldier on Ganymede without a suit."


I was surprised Drummer lied about the former Earther's role in the skirmish and stated that he panicked and shot first. I didn't think she would throw his reputation under the bus like that.

Life on Venus might mean both Julie Mao and Miller are still alive, which I do believe will be true.


Bobbie is apparently loyal to Mars before everything else, like a good soldier she is. I was also disappointed that she betrayed Travis, but she did it for the "greater good" (in her mind).

I also keep hoping that Miller and Julie are alive and we'll soon find out what happened to them.


The focus was on the "incident" and Bobbi's testimony.

PS Hey Mr Spock. I agree I think Miller/Julie Mao consciousness is alive too. I am reading Caliban's War and this episode just got us to the start of the chapter i'm almost done reading. We will be focusing more on Prax and the search for his daughter- also Bobbi's time on Earth is not over. I love her character- Chrisjen too- both are being played fantastically. It gets better. Don't worry. Remember the real reason for the incident on Ganymede has not been seen.


If you've read the books, can you just tell us if Prax will become a major character in the series?


Can't wait Apis! Lol

Snooty did say we will be developing the Prax/ Daughter connection so I think your answer is a resounding YES! But I will let snooty answer for himself too. Glad to see other people loving this show too.


I also think he will, cause he's getting cozy with the rest of the crew. I like Prax, he's like a voice of reason. I think they'll decide to keep him. :)


I agree. Honestly, Holden hasn't impressed me that much but Prax already has won me over. It wouldn't hurt to have another STRONG character.


Thanks snooty,
Yes, I can't wait to see the incident on Ganymede completely discovered. Thanks for the heads up on Prax. He looks like a great addition so this should add another layer to an already great show.

The Belt
Former Eros

What a great ride this has been. Next?


Would be nice if book readers keep spoilers to clearly marked threads for possible spoilers from the books.

I really don't want to know that Bobby's time on Earth is not over and that there will be focus on Prax search for his daughter on Ganymede. It's not the worst spoilers, but more than I want to know of future episodes still.


"I really don't want to know that Bobby's time on Earth is not over"

Me neither, but now that we know... I'm guessing that Avasarala will want to talk with Bobby again to ask some additional questions about the suit-less man.


Bobby on Earth was in the preview for next week. Obviously she didn't get back on the shuttle, she went for a swim.


Yeah, kinda slow episode again, but much better than the last one I think. Diplomatic scenes from Earth were great and the gang away from Tycho station, and with a new crewmate, was much more interesting.

Also the confirmation that something is still alive from Eros after the impact on Venus gives hopes that Miller could return (in some form).


Yeah that will be very interesting to see what impact the Venus life forms will have in Season 3.
