Tell me again.......

....and again......and again.....and again!!!

Those last 10 minutes of last night's episode had me on my feet,eyes literally riveted to the screen!!!! And the way Kim stepped up & shut Lalo down.....OMG!!

I can't believe there's only 1 episode left this season!! I don't want it to be over!!


Did anyone else have to change their underwear.


:-) lol


i change mine each day


It would have been a nice touch if by the third time Lalo said "The story gets better every time you tell it"


How does Gilligan make every epsiode seem so quick, even though they are roughly 45 to 50 minutes each? :-) lol It's like you blink and it's already over. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!! Really think it is now better than BB. I love BB too.


BB had a lot more filler that made it come to a screeching halt. BCS doesn't have that NOW, the first two series we're a little bit on the slow side.


Agree. BB was slow like that in the first 2 seasons too, but for both from S3 onwards, it was pure amazeballs. :-)


It certainly is amazeballs. Ozark is amazeballs too but that does suffer from the filler problem...too many annoying kids.


Ozark gets better and better. Loved S3. Yea the kids are annoying especially the daughter.
