Jimmy's a real SOB

What, pray tell, has Howard ever done to him to warrant this treatment?
First he smashes up his car with bowling balls. Not content with that, he now sends two prostitutes to humiliate him in public, in a fancy restaurant, next to his friends, colleagues, peers - people who are (literally) judgmental and protective of their reputations. It doesn't matter if we like their rich-lawyer world. What matters is that it is THEIR world and Howard's reputation and dignity matters to him in HIS world, just as our names and our pride matter to us in our own.

So what is Howard's great crime? What has he done to deserve this?
It wasn't what Jimmy thought (and we thought) in S1 - that Howard was blocking him from working as a lawyer in HHM. That was Chuck's doing. Howard had no problems with Jimmy.
It's probably not that Howard is a handsome, rich, tailored, seemingly centered and charismatic individual. I don't see Jimmy being too upset over that. If anything, he would try to con such a person out of money, not ruin the person's public (or self) image.

This high-level trolling was triggered when Howard had the gall to offer Jimmy a job. A job that would require Jimmy to continue being Jimmy McGill, in practice if not in name.

Broadly, it seems like it is the fact that both he and Howard were hit hard by Chuck's death. Both had a sense of guilt over it. For both it was losing an older brother (literal for Jimmy, symbolic for Howard). Yet, while Jimmy can only cope by burying the past, crafting a phony persona for himself and practicing deception and self-deception; Howard seems to have gone through a tough grieving process, hit bottom, and healthily picked up the pieces. Howard is now back to being Howard; AND not only that, but he has also grown as a person. This probably irks Jimmy who just wants to destroy Howard's serenity, bring him down and join Jimmy in keeping misery company.

Whatever the rationalization, Jimmy is being a true jerk here. All he is doing is harming someone else's life for his own personal kicks.



Agreed I never thought Jimmy was malicious until now.


I don't get it either. Howard has always been honest, fair and sincere with Saul.


Gotta admit Howard has really had it rough this whole series, first Chuck makes him stick it to Jimmy making himself the bad guy when Howard never had a problem with Jimmy. Then Chuck's refusal to let his dispute with Jimmy go drags the firms reputation through the mud, then Kim goes off on him, then he gets insomnia, then Jimmy throws bowling balls at his car, then he was humiliated in public.


I agree I was thinking much the same. I was thinking that it might be revealed that the reason Howard wants Jimmy to be there is for the name McGill, legally speaking he might not be able to use that name for the company if no McGill is working there or affiliated. I was thinking it would be revealed that is why Howard offered him the job and then Jimmy would lash out.

But it looks like the offer was sincere, at least as far as we and Jimmy knows. He seems to have no reason for doing this, and it is pretty messed up and there seems to be no real objective other than screw with howard out of petty spite. And it is not even clear spite over what, the fact that Chuck seemed to be a better brother to Howard than to Jimmy? is it jealousy?

Either way, like breaking bad; this show is about bad people. Jimmy is a bad person, just because we are entertained by that does not make it any different. In fact there are few redeeming characters in this show. Howard and Rich (and even Kevin) all seem like decent people. Kim, Chuck, Jimmy, Gus, Mike, Nacho, are all bad people; we shouldn't forget that.


This analysis of the Jimmy=Howard lunch scene brings up some good points for why Jimmy has such a hard on for him right now


Basically,Jimmy hates that Howard has processed his grief about Chuck & has bounced back in such a positive way & that just infuriates Jimmy.


I saw this comment in the youtube video:

"Christopher Ashley
2 days ago
Hey man, I love these breakdowns. I had a different take on Saul's/Jimmy's reaction to Hamlin. I was taken back to the Gray Matter episode of Breaking Bad when Walt was offered back into the company by Elliott and Gretchen. I don't think that Jimmy wants into HHM and I don't think he wants the straight and narrow life that Howard has. Rather, he wants to let his Saul flag fly all the way. The bowling ball is the equivalent of Walt's "f%^& you" to Gretchen in the next episode. My two cents"

I agree with this I think. I think the reason why Jimmy is lashing out at Howard is because he has broken bad, he has embraced the darker parts of himself and wants to go down this dark path. He is done trying to be good.


those are some good points.One of the last things Chuck said to him was to stop with the constant show of remorse & just embrace his inner "Saul/Slippin' Jimmy". This is his way of saying "I AM the one who KNOCKS"!


Yeah it is tragic that is one of the last things Chuck said to him; because one of the only things that was ever going to keep Jimmy honest or at least aim to be good was to get his brother's approval. When he died, Jimmy now knows he will never get that approval but even worse based on the last conversation Jimmy now knows (or at least thinks) he never could have in the first place.

I don't know for sure if Chuck was right about Jimmy; but it did seem that if Chuck just would have loved his brother just a little and not been so pompous and look down with disgust at Jimmy he might have had a chance at redemption. I think with the stuff Jimmy is doing to Howard it is clear he is beyond redemption now


Agreed, Howard didn't deserve that or any nasty treatment by Jimmy. Howard has been good to Jimmy, even recently offering him a job.
