MovieChat Forums > Olive Kitteridge (2014) Discussion > honest question: for those who liked it,...

honest question: for those who liked it, what did u like about it

I know it was critically acclaimed and being an hbo production automatically raises it's artistic value in my mind. But even after 3 hours in I can't find anything enjoyable about this. The main character Olive is horrible. The story is mundane. It's just one scene after another watching Olive be an ass. It takes Henry's stroke to see her having a tender moment with him. There are plenty of such bitchy people who walk around with their head up their ass. They are abusive to family members and spread negativity wherever they go. Most of us would avoid them in real life, so why would anyone watch them on the tv?

The acting, the direction & the cinematography is amazing but what is the point?

Btw the husband Mr. Henry Kitteridge makes the show watchable. The actor should've been nominated for Emmy & golden globe. I'm on the last ep and trying to find the motivation to finish it.

Honest post. Not trying to troll.


Fair enough question. I really loved it, but I can understand why it might not have been for everyone. I thought Olive was real. She actually reminded me of my own mother. Although she was mean and petty, she did care for others and showed real humanity in certain situations. She is a complex character and I found her very watchable, and I don't think I would avoid her if I came across her in real life. I would probably be a little surprised by her up front attitude but also intrigued by it; people can be quite squeamish about saying what they really think (myself included) but why are we so scared of our own opinions? They are only opinions after all.

If all the characters portrayed in film and on television were shiny and lovely, breezing around being very understanding and reasonable, I don't think these mediums would be any where near as popular as they are.

I liked Henry Kitteridge too, but to be honest I found Olive's characteristics more relatable than his- maybe because I recognize them more often in people I meet. I just cant think of anyone I've ever known who was quite as sweet and kind as Henry; I guess I've been unlucky!

I really enjoyed watching this show, and Olive was the main reason for this. She is definitely horrible and mean in ways, but when as the story unfolded I began to understand more and more why this was. The world is full of all kinds of different people, and I am glad there is a place for these people on screen as well- it gives a more realistic impression of life, and how it shapes the people who are living it.


I thought the mini-series was wonderful, but I had read the book, and that helps. Olive is a complex character, and the casting was brilliant.


Liked all the things the OP called amazing. It's a great character study, you don't have to like a character to be engaged and want to know more about them or the outcome of the particular story being told. It was not just interesting but fun to see how Olive would react to things. The film is mainly about functional depression, and anything that is well shot and acted that illuminates truths about the human condition is a good watch.

"Nobody knows anybody, not that well..." - Miller's Crossing


Liked all the things the OP called amazing. It's a great character study, you don't have to like a character to be engaged and want to know more about them or the outcome of the particular story being told. It was not just interesting but fun to see how Olive would react to overly familiar people, hypocrisy, rude children, and what she perceived as idiocy. The film is mainly about functional depression, and anything that is well shot and acted that illuminates truths about the human condition is a good watch.

"Nobody knows anybody, not that well..." - Miller's Crossing


Thanks for all the responses. I have really enjoyed reading them. I guess many of you are right about it being a character study. I guess I had a hard time understanding her lack of affection towards her husband and son. She does have her redeeming qualities though.

I'm going to try and watch this one again one of these days.

The performances were brilliant no doubt.


I do believe you have to have a few years behind you in order to fully appreciate what the small moments mean in this project. People's behavior to the ones they love are more brutal sometimes than watching action movies.

I loved the series, because it really got the nuances of life in dysfunction, and the dynamics of life in small town.


I agree - about the nuances of life. The people in the story are like people you might know - or maybe it is the dialogue, that is like dialogue that might really be spoken in ordinary off-screen life.


I read the book and wanted to see the mini-series. I have to say, I think it was an amazing production, but you're right. Olive is horrible, everyone is messed up, almost everyone in this series made terrible choices, and I fast-forwarded through a lot of it. The best part was watching Bill Murray stand up to Frances McDormand.


This movie is my family. I know Olive because I lived with Olive every day. Olive embodies my mother, father, and sister. I am Henry. I could so feel the ache in Henry to just have ONE shared happy moment, always trying to feel a sense of happy connectedness.

And I see how the Bill Murray character dealt with Olive as she was. His personality was one that would not be injured by Olive, where Henry’s was always injured by Olive.

I am older, but I am very much like Christopher in how I deal with the “Olives” in my life.

And I will probably look through that filter of perfection should I outlive all my “Olives”, because I can point to some sincerely good things and moments of good feelings with each of them. They will outshine all the emotional injuries.

This movie really touched me. It was a mirror, and considering that I am a different race and live in a metropolis, it shows how alike families can be, regardless of outward appearances.

If you can’t relate to any of these people, I think that is a good thing.


I thought it was interesting, but the last hour ruined it
with the political garbage and Rush Limbaugh, and this
cold women throws herself at anyone. You have a lot
of good points, and the point that keeps people watching
is that tension builds and we wait for a payoff, but this
movie just steals from hope with the stupid Republican
at the end with the total superficiality. The point of this
movie is that there is point.
