
I've read the books, so I know Bonnet is a bastard. But, man, Bonnet is a bastard!

On a side note, wasn't he supposed to be a little older?


I thought he seemed young, too, but damn!!! He really is a bastard!


I pictured him as older and uglier when I read the book. But I’m glad to see a thoroughly loathsome villain again. After Randall’s demise I thought the series suffered for the lack of a proper baddie. The vaguely menacing reappearance of Geillis and the feeling that she was up to no good was just not the same.


In the book he was described as being "Young, about 30", and "Coarsely handsome." I find that odd because it seems actors are rarely the same age as their characters. I'm at a bit of a disadvantage to you in picturing him from the books because I saw the show before I read them.


I was questioning whether I had not been paying attention because I pictured him as older and far with gnarly teeth. This guys a bastard but fairly easy on my eyes.


yeah looks too young to be a ship captain, as a villian its fine but a ship captain at that age is rather unconvincing.


Maybe he killed the real ship captain and took his place, being that he is a bastard I think it is plausible. 😂


Yep, he is a bastard! I'm betting though, that he's going to be seeing some heavy duty payback. I cringed at that scene.


He got away again so we will have to wait for that payback.

And who knows what he will do now that he thinks Brianna has his baby. Maybe he will kidnap her.

Although it just dawned on me he did give her that gem, so it is more likely he will come back for it. And just for it, I don’t think he would care much for his baby. Still Brianna will probably be in danger again.


Good points Nesi. There will be quite a bit more concerning Bonnet and his moves towards Brianna. No, I also don't think he wants the baby, but he has some nasty motives and ideas that will bring people to a bad confrontation with him. I wonder if Lord John, Brianna's fiancé, will be involved in that?


I think he might be involved, yes.

Can’t wait for the next episode to see what happens next.


Lord John is a good guy, really helped out Jamie, took in his son and is a good, loyal friend. Notice he didn't give up the names of the men who freed Murtagh. I hope he doesn't come to harm from Bonnet.


I hope so too. I really like his character.


But him leaving the prison unscathed is gonna arouse the Governor suspicion, they should have rough him up a bit to look like he tried to stop them.


Xfool, I was thinking the same thing too, but I figure that he's a Lord and his loyalty isn't in question to the governor. And he isn't part of any group against the government, but he knows the people who made the jail break and I think he knows Murtagh also. So for now he's keeping quiet, but this kind of thing probably puts him in a difficult position regarding his loyalties.
