MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > The Problem with The Purge Series

The Problem with The Purge Series

Let me start off by saying that I enjoyed both movies. I thought they turned out far better than I was expecting.

However, my problem with these movies is that it seems that all characters who are out purging are only committing murder. There are plenty of crimes that could be committed on purge day other than murder, and I feel like more Americans who would purge would commit a lesser crime than murder.

Want a Ferrari? Steal one on Purge day.
Bullied by someone in your past? Go all Tanya Harding on them on Purge day.

The film could have been have felt more realistic if there were other crimes being committed in the backdrop.


Owning stolen property once the purge is over would probably be a punishable crime, unless it is considered rightfully stolen.

Why do people not poison the water supply? It would kill people over the following days, but as long as the initial crime is committed during purge time, no foul, right?

Why not just do more damage to infrastructure, too?

Maybe attack a nuclear power plant, cause a meltdown, and just ruin the entire world.

They better think of something BIG for the 3rd movie instead of petty violence. Something that goes too far within their extremely loose set of few rules and makes them have to cancel it or a full on revolution or something.

It's quite possible I may never follow up with anything I post.


My biggest issue is why people would stay in the US. This seems to be done just in the United States so why wouldn't you plan to be out of the country?


What good would stealing a car do? Putting yourself at HUGE risk of being killed by being outside...and all to drive around for a few hours...since having stolen property is still a crime once the Purge is over?


I'd try to get my hands on as much marijuana or cocaine as possible and flood the streets with it within those hours. I'd be more concerned about making money.

Good girls go to heaven, all the bad bitches come with me


My big problem is the movies show "everyday"-type people who magically become crazed killers for a very temporary period. I've known actual crazed killers and it's pretty much a 24/7 thing for them. Morality doesn't just disappear even when we want it to or when it would make our lives easier or even when we should ignore it (as in combat situations).

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli


I don't know whether this has been raised before, but my biggest problem with the series is the film's premise that the law was set up by the rich and powerful to eliminate poor people.

Why would these people, who owe a lot of their comfort on the hard work of the masses try to eliminate those living in poverty? Think of the maids, the gardeners, the valets, etc. who make a living trying to provide service to these rich folks. In the unlikely event that The Purge eventually eliminates all the poor people in America, I don't think these upper class people would be too keen to pick up and do the dirty work themselves.

It's the same issue I had with the first film. Their neighbors owe their safety to Ethan Hawke's work at the security firm, so why turn on his family during the Purge?


Quite simple really.

First, would you really risk crossing paths with some of this maniacs to try and steal a Porsche? Getting killed for some crappy thing? 6th year, people know what happens on the purge, they rather just try and stay safe, or only really go out purging if they have something serious to do.

Secondly, the movie states this was the 6th purge. Population is heavily declining, the homeless\extreme poor were the first to get hunted and killed...

Personally, if i was able to, i'd just go on vacation and say *beep* this *beep* Otherwise, go to a remote cabin in the woods where no one would find me, not try and steal a car, or go on a breaking&entering spree.


these movies are entertaining but my main problem with the movies is that this story is completely unrealistic. its why i hate the hostel series so much (and pretty much that douche eli roth makes). at least these movies are a bit more entertaining, but still hate the BEEP idea behind the story
