MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > The Problem with The Purge Series

The Problem with The Purge Series

Let me start off by saying that I enjoyed both movies. I thought they turned out far better than I was expecting.

However, my problem with these movies is that it seems that all characters who are out purging are only committing murder. There are plenty of crimes that could be committed on purge day other than murder, and I feel like more Americans who would purge would commit a lesser crime than murder.

Want a Ferrari? Steal one on Purge day.
Bullied by someone in your past? Go all Tanya Harding on them on Purge day.

The film could have been have felt more realistic if there were other crimes being committed in the backdrop.


Well, suppose you steal a Ferrari. What then? What happens when you try to go to the DMV and change the registration? It's no longer Purge Day and you driving a stolen vehicle. Following the logic of the film you wouldn't be charged with the theft itself since that occured during the purge, but once the siren sounds you'll have to ditch the car. That probably goes with anything that can be proven to have been stolen afterwards.

Pojkar vill - killar kan.


Exactly right. If you steal something when it's legal, it's still stolen property the next day. Also, The Purge series follow a few key players. There may be other purgers who are out there raping, beating, stealing, etc. It's just not as interesting.


They say explicitly that people will not be prosecuted for crimes committed on Purge day. That means if you steal a Ferrari, it's yours.

BUT...businesses have huge incentive to go into lockdown, and even to hire guards for their merchandise. And note the title of the movie: The Purge. The whole point is to trim the population and keep people terrified.

With all the property damage that would occur with a Purge, other crimes are bound to happen, but the main sanctioned crime is murder.


They say explicitly that people will not be prosecuted for crimes committed on Purge day. That means if you steal a Ferrari, it's yours.

But in order to register that Ferrari, you have to prove ownership. If you stole it, you wouldn't have any documentation to prove it's yours.

Unless when you steal the Ferrari, you also steal the paperwork and forge the title. In this case, you can't be prosecuted for the theft of the Ferrari, or the forgery of the title... but the DMV could still deny the registration if they determine the paperwork is fraudulent. There's also the matter of getting your new Ferrari home with all of the murderous nutjobs running around.

But aside from all that, stolen merchandise could still be considered stolen after the purge. So while you won't be prosecuted for breaking into a Ferrari dealership and driving out with a Ferrari, it's still a stolen car the rest of the year when you plan to use it. You're still committing crimes in the 12 hours during the purge, it's just that for those 12 hours those crimes are legal.

Once the sirens sound, you're in possession of stolen property, so at the very least the police will take the car from you, if not charge you for criminal possession. They just can't charge you for the theft itself.


I was surprised at the lack of burning buildings. I imagine that if the purge were real, there would be a lot of fires set.
Heck, that's like the first thing that happens during protests.


I agree!!

And massive destruction of property. You can't steal a car because you have to return it after the purge? Well, you can destroy hundreds of cars during the purge. I know lot of people who will likely go to the destruction of property rather than the killing of strangers.
Personal vendetta is a whole different issue.

And what about the drugs? And expert hackers? Leaking confidential data?
Even further, underage porn making and distribution? (those rich people love that kind of perversion).

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


No way. It's obviously very dangerous to be wandering around on Purge Day. It's not worth the risk to go out to steal a Ferrari or break someone's leg.


Interesting thread

Suppose someone stole your car and you knew who it was . You'd probably remember them when the next purge comes . One thing does the sequel does very well from a logic point of view as that many of the people going out on a purge disguise themselves in masks . If you're going to go on murdering sprees and someone escapes they might recognise and remember you at a later date , befriend you and come the next purge they murder you . Everyone in America now has the act of legalised murder as the ultimate sanction . It probably explains why there are so many killings , the people being murdered were also possibly victims of rape or robbery immediately beforehand and the perpetrator is doing away with a prospective antagonist



My problem with this series is that it is pure fantasy. The premise is absolutely non credible and hardly any attempts are made to legitimize the concept in an intelligent way. I'm not saying that it has to be realistic, just that they're poorly written, with any intriguing satirical or political weight being dismissed in favour of sh*tty dystopian horror or action genre conventions. I would love to have seen this premise done in the seventies by a director who could actually handle the material in interesting and less generic ways.

"Some men are coming to kill us. We're gonna kill them first." 


First thing, there WAS a revenge incident in this one - the girl who killed her sister and (probably) her hubby for having an affair ...

I watched it the other night; enjoyed it. But I'm a bit like lots of these posts - the film's fun having it all based on murder and violence, but the reality would be different. My guess is that after just one legal "purge" the infrastructure of society would be destroyed, especially by fire. The so-called benefit of "release the beast" would be far outweighed by whole cities burned to the ground, communication infrastructure destroyed etc. etc. While the police and fire brigades are stood-down, what happens when their stations are attacked ? A fun show but much "suspension of disbelief" is required ...


The girl and her boyfriend in the first movie were planning some underage sex. Or she was, at least!


Owning stolen property once the purge is over would be a punishable crime, unless it is considered rightfully stolen.

Why do people not poison the water supply? It would kill people over the following days, but as long as the initial crime is committed during purge time, no foul, right?

Why not just do more damage to infrastructure, too?

Maybe attack a nuclear power plant, cause a meltdown, and just ruin the entire world.

They better think of something BIG for the 3rd movie instead of petty violence. Something that goes too far within their rules and makes them have to cancel it or a full on revolution or something.

It's quite possible I may never follow up with anything I post.
