MovieChat Forums > The Lazarus Effect (2015) Discussion > why did zoe resurrected frank?

why did zoe resurrected frank?

I have no idea why she did this


Was it still Zoe, though? I'm wondering if Zoe died and some demon or spirit took over her body. We know that Zoe was kind and thoughtful...but after she passed away, she no longer acted like herself anymore. So if it is a demon, then that demon wants to wreak havoc on the world...and can do more damage with a team to work with.


I like to think it was because she still loved him.


It's kind of obvious to me. She wanted him to love her even after her resurrection and killed him only after reading his mind that he thought that she's not Zoe anymore and wanted to kill her. I don't understand why people think that she wanted revenge, for what exactly? He didn't kill her, it was accident. He's actually taken her back from the Hell. Now she could bring him back to life as equal to her. He would accept her and would still love her (as she do). If they're gonna bring others back to life is another question. She's gathered bodies in one place, so it's very much possible. Maybe it's a start for new race of undead superhumans.


Having experienced dying, she now had experienced and takes with her the knowledge about something no one else has.She obviously wanted him and everyone else to bear the same knowledge about Death and what happens when one dies. They didn't understand her because they didn't know what she was experiencing. Knowing everything to the point of being able to predict what other people are saying before they are saying it, read their minds and being able to look into the future turns her into every mans enemy. She just wanted to not be alone with the experience and knowledge about dying and being in hell.
