I was not impressed by Season 4. There were too many sub-plots, things got confusing, it wasn't one of the better seasons. Oh well, at least there were no flying saucers.


I think the writing dropped sharply in Season 4.
Also, too many annoying characters: the lesbian fugitive robbers, the OCD detective, the super-smart schoolgirl, the brutish mafioso.
Chris Rock, who's performance was crucial, failed to pull off a 'tough guy" role.
The only character I actually likes was the US Marshal. Timothy Olyphant was great, as usual.


You're being charitable. It was an awful season of poorly developed arcs, and a slew of unearned moments. And as if we needed further proof, Chris Rock has no gravitas and little in the way of acting chops. Oh, and we got a twister in lieu of a flying saucer.


The ghost didn't help matters either.
