MovieChat Forums > Fargo (2014) Discussion > Are we gonna get a season without a depu...

Are we gonna get a season without a deputy or someone from the law as a main character?

I mean its getting a little repetitive always having someone from the law as a main character putting the pieces together of the crime. It was ok for two seasons with the woman from S1 and Patrick Wilson from S2, but come in S3 yet again we got another cop as the main character? Change it up a bit, not every season needs to have the exact same formula.


The police presence in Fargo is an integral part to the series, It wouldn't feel right without a policeman or policewoman as a main character imo. How else would these crimes be solved?


What i'm saying is not every season has to be the same formula, why can't a crime happen without the cops ever getting a whiff of it? I mean you could have the cops in the season of course, but not just 1 single cop as the main character though.


But then it wouldn't be "Fargo".



Uh, what?
So you are saying... "I like and watch Fargo but I don't want Fargo to be Fargo."
Erm... OK.
Hey, there are plenty of shows on TV that don't have Fargo's formula, given that they are not Fargo.
Maybe you should pick one of them.
