MovieChat Forums > The Goldbergs (2013) Discussion > Nod to the fued betweeen Adam Goldbergs...

Nod to the fued betweeen Adam Goldbergs..

Anyone notice tonight when Adam said "an Adam F. Goldberg Joint" and Erica said "Why the F?", and Adam said "There is another Adam Goldberg at school and he is super sensitive".. This is a nod to the real life reason he goes by Adam F. Goldberg, because douche bag actor Adam Goldberg (Saving Private Ryan, Dazed and Confused) has been an *beep* about him having the same name in the past. And then Erica saying "no one cares about either of you"... Just thought that was funny..

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Another reference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!


Ugh. The constant references are pretty dull and silly, in my opinion. Enough, already.


Agreed anytime the whole Adam F Goldberg thing comes up I hit 30 seconds ahead on the remote. It was funny at one point but now its just drawn out and old. Move on.


Nah. I still enjoy it and probably will every time he does it. Because it takes some creativity to squeeze it into every episode. Sure it's silly, but now it's something I actually look forward to every week.


For one thing, probably 99% of the viewing audience--probably even more--are clueless about the "feud between the Adam Goldbergs." So, constantly referring to it, especially without ever showing the other Adam and hearing him say, "I hate that freshman kid," just sucks the humor out of the reference. Really, what Adam F. Goldberg is doing is giving a kick to the shins to the other Goldberg. I personally don't find that funny. Then again, I don't find this show very funny. They're all a bunch of cartoons.


Plenty of other options on TV then if this isn't your taste. Not sure why you watch it if you don't like it.


Plenty of other options on TV then if this isn't your taste. Not sure why you watch it if you don't like it.

Never understood that either. Life is too short to waste time watching something you don't even enjoy. TV is suppose to be entertaining not dissected and nitpicked.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>



Never understood that either. Life is too short to waste time watching something you don't even enjoy. TV is suppose to be entertaining not dissected and nitpicked.

Too bad if you can't "understand" it. Life's too short to waste time posting on a message board, but you're doing it. Who are you to criticize anyone?


To be honest i prefer the other Adam, this one is just jealous of all the success the other has had.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


To be honest i prefer the other Adam, this one is just jealous of all the success the other has had

You mean, you prefer Adam F. Goldberg, from the show? He's the one obviously jealous, or he wouldn't be mentioning that guy's name all the time.


I dont like the troll that is the Adam that's behind the show. He is deffs jealous.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


Well neither is exactly Tom Cruise but I would say the guy behind the show is pretty successful. The "other Adam Goldberg" isn't that well known that anyone should be jealous. I doubt he's jealous and more just irked that the other guy seemed to be upset that he had to share his name with another semi famous guy.

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Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
