MovieChat Forums > The Goldbergs (2013) Discussion > Nod to the fued betweeen Adam Goldbergs...

Nod to the fued betweeen Adam Goldbergs..

Anyone notice tonight when Adam said "an Adam F. Goldberg Joint" and Erica said "Why the F?", and Adam said "There is another Adam Goldberg at school and he is super sensitive".. This is a nod to the real life reason he goes by Adam F. Goldberg, because douche bag actor Adam Goldberg (Saving Private Ryan, Dazed and Confused) has been an *beep* about him having the same name in the past. And then Erica saying "no one cares about either of you"... Just thought that was funny..

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend.


I loved that. Best joke of the episode!


Off topic. Dino Riders? The 80s cartoon/toys?

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


Yep, one of the best cartoon/toys there ever was!!!

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend.


That brings me back. Throughout the 80s I was obsessed with dinosaurs. Had several VHS episodes of Dino Riders and tons of the toys. I remember FINALLY getting the diplodocus, that was a cool toy.

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


Yeah I loved them too. Plus they had the most epic box art.. They just don't make Box art like that anymore.. I would love to have some of these for my office, but I am sure they are expensive..

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend.


I did chuckle at the joke. Didn't realize there was a beef between the 2 guys. Thought he did the F to avoid confusion and nothing else. But I guess not.


Just beef with the Actor Adam Goldberg.. He has kind of been a douche about it.. Adam F. Goldberg could care less, and thinks it is funny.. I mean me being a Jew myself, I am aware that Adam is a common first name with us, and Goldberg a VERY common surname for Ashkenazi Jews.. So the reasoning behind the beef is absurd..

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend.


Awesome link! I gotta say that Spider Man directing people, who on no fault but their own mistake him for Batman, to the TV Land channel time slot to watch the Optimus Prime show that has Spiderman on it was actually brilliant. Batman's show is definitely the bigger superhero show of the two and can easily weather any storm Spider Man can give it. This is all upside for Optimus Prime's show. Thanks for the link Dino. I enjoyed it.


It's couldn't care less.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


It seems like usually if one is an actor and another is behind the camera, it doesn't matter if two people have the same name - maybe as long as they are in different unions or guilds. It struck me once that one of the creators of Modern Family is named Christopher Lloyd, so I entered the name in the search bar and found there are seven Christopher Lloyds on IMDB! There is another actor who was on the Phil Silvers show in 1955 (brief description in search results) and I think that is another thing that makes it OK, if the people were working in different time periods.

I suppose Adam Goldberg is a writer and producer as well as an actor and that's why he claims exclusive use of the name! Now I'll read the article at AVClub.


And Adam Sandler produces the Price is Right, but not that Adam Sandler, lol. Common names must be a pain if you are any kind of public persona. I had a professor in college who worked it out with another academic of the same that he would use his middle initial and the other guy didn't have to. Strange they were in the same field, as it's not a common one.


Did not know that. Thanks for letting me laugh at the joke the next day! (And I think the ACTOR Adam Goldberg is a douche bag, as well. Hate him in everything he's been in).


Wow, you'd think that Adam C. Goldberg (the 'C' stands for 'cock') would have seized the opportunity to boost both of their names but making light of it and engaging in a joint "promo each other up" sort of deal. Because then the success from one helps the other and the combined forces would help him out quite a bit.

Well, now it seems more fitting that he played a murder/terrorist in an episode of Medium (2005) named "Joe Day Afternoon (2007)." He's an a-hole in real life apparently, so that particular role must have been natural to him.


I can't believe I didn't pick up on that! Such a good ribbing there! I'll have to rewatch it to appreciate it properly...


The other Adam Goldberg was mentioned again in the "George! George Glass!" episode, in a scene at school. On a sign promoting the Saturday Night Live Society, Adam put his own name as Adam F. Goldberg and had to explain it to someone.

BTW, IMDB has the dates and descriptions mixed up on this episode and the next.


That was funny. This Adam is having a good laugh about it. I hope it continues.


I can't believe someone would actually get upset over having the same name. I remember seeing you on Twitter. How big of an ego do you have to have to think that?
