Just finished S3

Acting, story, finale...perfect!!
This show continues to amaze and entertain
Next season might shift to Mexico drug war cartel-holy crap!!!
If you have not watched but like crime/drama/action/gallows humor you Should watch soon
This show is great


I thought that with Escobar's death Narcos will become less interesting, but creators of the show proved me wrong. Third season is as captivating as previous two seasons. The important thing for this show is to have an interesting unpredictable villain, and we got several of those this season, even the one we cheered for (Jorge). Based on a mexican drug lord we briefly saw, the fourth season that will be situated in Mexico will continue in the same vein, hopefully with the same results.


I suspect youre right
We should do a 'cast' next season thread to pick new American agents...
Those threads are always fun


I'm reading about season 4, and the show creator says that "perhaps" Pedro Pascal won't be in the next season. There's still a chance that he will be.

In my opinion, it would be wise to keep Pascal. The show is at the point when all the villains we knew so far are gone, it's moving in a different country (Mexico) and if they don't keep Pascal, there will be none of the familiar characters left. The continuity will be broken.

So, I have a feeling they will keep Pascal after all, and team him up with someone similar to Murphy. At least I hope they do.


Me too
Pascal is dope and i only became aware of him from his role on Game of Thrones where he played another really good character
I kinda missed Murphey tho and i didnt much care for the two new characters they cast as Agents...


I don't care about them either. They weren't in the show often enough or long enough for me to get attached to their characters. I think of them more like extras. It would be foolish to make those two agents lead actors in season 4.


Plus they just seemed to be bumblers ( which COULD be based on reality lol but still...)


S3 was fantastic, I really thought it would go down hill after Escobar's death but to me S3 is the best so far.


I felt the same
Michael Pena and Diego Luna cast in S4...the showrunner is being cagey on a Pascal return but i wouldnt be shocked to see one good cameo scene with him


I hope they bring him back even its only a cameo but I also think Peña and Luna are great additions.


Loved S3. That shootout at the party was intense!


The violent scenes are really intense
Excellent show all around👍
