Associate Producer ?

In series 4 Shaun is listed in the credits as associate producer.
What is the definition of such a title, what does it entail? I
think it's great that Shaun is branching out, learning the ropes
behind the camera . . . just so he doesn't leave acting behind !


Job Duties. Associate producer responsibilities will vary from project to project. Duties may include organizing production personnel, coordinating set construction, operating a teleprompter, supervising lighting or sound plans, editing scripts, or writing news items.


In most cases, it means absolutely nothing. It's an honourary title given to TV show stars, pilot directors etc. It has no duties attached to it whatsoever, although some actors have over the years chosen to use the title in order to exercise more power over the course of the show. It is mainly given as a form of gratitude, a bargaining chip, or an excuse for a pay rise.

To quote "State and Main":

- What's an associate producer credit?
- It's what you give to your secretary instead of a raise.


In case of an actor it generally means that they contributed enough dialog or story ideas to the episode that they can be considered one of its writers.
