Zach 1 or 2?

Just starting a marathon of the first three seasons before the final one starts. On 1x02, and it occurs to me, I miss Zach 1. The kid was a bland actor, but Zach 2 is just so annoying, always angry. I know, blame the writing, but it's still just the acting too. I know he's a kid, but oye, I wish they'd never recast.


Zach 1 without a doubt. He'd probably be way more tolerable being angry than the 2nd kid.

I'm re-watching all seasons as well. In the middle of season 1 and I gotta say, Eph's wife is a real piece of work. Not even divorced and she's already moved on with a boyfriend living in his house. And the whole, not present thing is such a cop out. I'd get it if his job wasn't actually REALLY fucking important.


I agree about Kelly. I guess everyone's different, but yeah, only separated, still working on custody, and already moving another guy in? She at least does admit at one point it was partly to hurt Eph. I think they did that to further illustrate Matt's insistence on being present where Eph was absent. Otherwise, I can only really think it'd be acceptable if Eph was abusive, which he wasn't.


Yeah and her boyfriend was really over bearing and insistent on involving himself in things that weren't his business. It was all pretty excessive. All that was really portrayed of Eph was that he had a drinking problem that he kicked and wasn't very present despite being Chief Medical Officer for the CDC. All the domestic shit they flung at him in season 1 was so excessive it was to the point of being unrealistic. I can only think they did that in order to soften the blow of Kelly getting turned and to make it more satisfying when her boyfriend got killed.


Just got to ep 9. Kelly's Jersey bitchy friend catching Eph sleeping with Nora and giving him a hard time about it. And then threatening to kill him if he hurts Kelly. Even though his wife has a boyfriend living in his house. In what universe does all of this crap make sense.


Recasting Zach was such a huge mistake. But the recast wasn't as big of a problem as his complete change in behavior. There's no consistency
