MovieChat Forums > Sharp Objects (2018) Discussion > The ending - questions [spoilers]

The ending - questions [spoilers]

so the young sister killed the girls. but why? what was her motive?

and did her mother get falsely convicted for the murder? if yes, why? as i understood the police has found the pliers in the house. but with multiple people living in that house and no further evidence (as well as a motive) that would only make her a suspect. her husband would most likely be an even stronger suspect, wouldn't he?

i fastforwarded most of the show and must have missed a lot of details...


Jealously, the people she killed all got close to either her mother or her sister Camille and took the attention away from Amma. Like Mae, her last victim, the reason Amma kills her is cause Camille was nice to her and gave her attention when she talked about wanting to be a journalist. And Amma ain't having that, she needs Camille to have her attention on her.

No the mother was making her children ill (which led the death of one of them) so they could depend on her. Probably one of the reasons Adora dislikes Camille cause Camille was a free spirit and didn't give herself over to Adora like her two sisters did. Adora is one evil person and deserves prison time, and more then likely led to Amma turning out the way she did.

The husband was a total wimp and turned his eyes away from his wife's behavior. Jackie, Adora's friend and the person closet to Camille was the same too even though she had plenty of evidence on Adora's behavior. She turned a blind eye to it too cause Adora had so much power in the town they lived. Probably one of the reasons Jackie is so nice to Camille is that she feels guilty for doing so and wants to be seen as a kind person for Camille to rely on.



No the mother was making her children ill (which led the death of one of them) so they could depend on her.

yes, she was convicted for the munchhausen, but was no one convicted for the murder in the end?
