MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Arrival is not a Sci-Fi movie

Arrival is not a Sci-Fi movie

The idea in the movie is that you can manipulate the physics of the universe just by thinking. This is called "magic" not science.

Learning a language can change how you think but it can not change how your brain functions. On top of that, learning a language or making your brain work in a certain way can not give you the "ability to bend time by thought."

This is not Sci-Fi. That's just fantasy. A fantasy tale like Cinderella or Snow White.

Only in hollywood people are ignorant enough to label pure fantasy as Sci-Fi.

And they are asking for an Academy Award for this childish *beep*



LOL, shut your hole troll.


Oh the irony


So if you think of it as a fantasy... Did you enjoy it??


The first half was pretending to be a Sci-Fi. I enjoyed that part. The part where "think to bend time" stuff comes up wasn't enjoyable. I don't like superhero movies. If there is a character with supernatural powers then there is no drama.



There is a theory that the concept of time is man-made and doesn't really exist....

Watch a science show once in a while, 

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


Nice pop-science article.

A nebulous wall of empty text, very informative. I doubt the author has any idea what the scientists are getting at and neither do you.


Rot in Hell.

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


this is stupid movie, what else did you expect




"The idea in the movie is that you can manipulate the physics of the universe just by thinking. This is called "magic" not science. "

What do you mean by the "Physics of the universe" ? Do you mean the fundamental rules of the universe ! or do you mean the physical objects in the universe ? anyway , the intention of the movie was not to manipulate any of those with mind!

I think the movie is trying to show the power of EMOTIONS ! one thing that is common between all the humans with different languages. Expressing emotions has been an important topic in the history of mankind , it has made us to create art.

Art is the language of Emotions but in the Arrival Aliens provided us with a better Language , one that can express emotions so clearly that helps you understand exactly how you feel. when you can figure out how you feel about the universe , life and etc it becomes clear what you want to do and what you are GOING TO DO.

The Universal Language , helped Louise to understand her emotions and thus her future !

This is not fantasy , it's Philosophy , more specifically "Ludwig Wittgenstein"s Philosophy.


I agree. This was a Sci Fi movie for people who don't like Sci Fi. The magic aliens were a device to forward the movie's real plot; a woman choosing to have a doomed child even knowing the pain she'd endure.

You could substitute the givers of the magic time language and the character outcome would remain the same. It could be from Atlantis or fairy rings, this movie was not about the aliens. It was about the life of the woman.


I'm a big Star Trek fan and I like this film.


There are many layers in the brain that are unused and capable of higher processing so it is not magic it is a suggestion of the future which you fail to grasp.


What is science if not magic quantified?


You are making the error that science fiction requires absolute adherence to known physical laws. Science fiction ranges from space opera to hard SF to Soft SF. Many concepts are explored in SF using many known, extrapolated or completely made up physical law.

Ultimately, though, SF should say something about the human condition.

Arrival fits the criteria completely.
