Disney films vs the prequels data analysis


Phantom Menace 54% with an average score of 5.9 audience 59%
Attack of the Clones 65% with an average score of 6.6 audience 56%
Revenge of the Sith 80% with an average score of 7.2 audience 56%
TFA 93% with an average score 8.2 audience 87%
Rogue One 84% with an average score of 7.4 audience 86%
Last Jedi 91% with an average score of 8.0 audience 44%
Solo 70% with an average score of 6.5 audience 64%


Phantom Menace 51/100 user score 6.1/10
Attack of the Clones 54/100 user score 6.0/10
Revenge of the Sith 68/100 user score 7.6/10
TFA 81/100 user score 6.8/10
Rogue One 65.100 user score 7.6/10
Last Jedi 85/100 user score 4.4/10
Solo 62/100 user score 6.2/10


Phantom Menace 6.5
Attack of the Clones 6.6
Revenge of the Sith 7.6
TFA 8.0
Rogue One 7.8
Last Jedi 7.1
Solo 7.0

Read it and weep. Overall the Disney films are better received than the prequels were. Therefore whenever someone says the Disney films are worse it is nothing other than a subjective opinion. The majority does not agree with that notion as indicated by the data above.



This is the rate from filmaffinity. The original page is in Spanish, though it has an English version.


Vote system is similar to imdb. One big advantage is that, since the page is not located in US, it's relatively safe from Hollywood industry influence. In a nutshell, much less 'adjusted'.

This is what a less 'adjusted' score looks:

Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)

Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars. Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)


Still not the case bud.

A new hope has 1,131,596 votes on imdb, as opposed to 134,530 on this site. Which one has a larger size of votes? Thus indicating majority.

Also Rottentomatoes and metacritic indicate what the majority of critics thought. Therefore across the board the Disney Star Wars films are better received than the prequels were.


I'm not saying it's bigger. I say it's big enough, and it's not 'adjusted' by Hollywood (less likely, at least).

With regard to the 'majority of critics', well, those are the Top 100 Movies of All Time according to modern critics considered in Rotten Tomatoes https://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/

1. Black Panther (2018)
2. Lady Bird (2017)
3. Wizard of Oz (1939)
4. Citizen Kane (1941)
5. Black KKKlansman (2018)
6. Get Out (2017)
26. the Last Jedi (2017)

Well... old critics used to be a bit disconnected from pop-corn movies. They used to dismiss movies like Star Wars while praising Ingmar Bergman, Welles, Coppola, Truffaut, things like that. And honestly, at least it was an interesting point of view. And they used to recommend very good movies.

But... Black Panther best movie ever? Black KKKlansman? Get Out? And then, they get a Star Wars movie in the Top100 Movies of All Time list and... it's the f*cking Last Jedi??

This is ridiculous. Modern critics are a bad joke.


I get what you are trying to say but I recall Raiders of the Lost Ark getting tons of critical praise. It is an action adventure film based off old serial adventures. I will admit I do feel critics are more open to that kind of thing then they used to be. For instance I do not feel Black Panther would have gotten that kind of reception back in the day. Also dismissing Star Wars? No I disagree with you on that one. They did favor movies like Godfather, Raging Bull, Deer Hunter etc but just because they prefer those did not mean they dismissed Star Wars.


Data analysis based off 3 websites that can be easily rigged and have prooven many times to be bias depending on the movie.

So your numbers literally mean nothing.

Also why are you using Rogue One and Solo against the prequel trilogy.

If you only use the Disney Trilogy which you should have done but of course you were pushing your bias towards Disney.

TFA - 87% then Last Jedi is 44%, nice drop there on Rotten Tomatoes
TFA - 6.8 then Last Jedi 4.4, nice drop there on Metacritic

The Force Awakens did well solely on nostalgia.

Not gonna use IMDB as it is not a reliable source, it is just fanboys marking up and down.

Now using your own logic look at the scores of the prequel trilogy steadily rising. They were not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but to say that the Disney trash is better is laughable.


Since you say the 3 websites are biased go ahead and show me a site that is unbiased. Newsflash there is not one that is 100% unbiased. Regardless of what you or I think of a film those sites show what critics as well as users thought of a film. I do not like Pulp Fiction does that mean it is not considered one of the best films of all time simply because I dislike it? Nope it is considered a great film it does not need my stamp of approval for the rest of the majority to consider it a great film.

I used Rogue One and Solo to show I was not cherry picking. I included all the Disney Star Wars films not just the sequel trilogy.

The Force Awakens did well solely on nostalgia? That is exactly why Superman Returns and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull were so well received right? Making a sequel to the old Reeve Superman films which people love will guarantee it will do well since it is banking off nostalgia. Bringing back Indiana Jones after nearly two decades will guarantee people will love that film right? Oh wait! Crystal Skull is by many considered to be the worst Indy film and Superman Returns was nowhere near the reception the old Reeve films had. Maybe just maybe people actually enjoyed TFA and you didn't ever consider that? Nope because anyone who enjoys something you don't surely can't have a legit opinion there has to be a cpnspiracy behind it.

As it stands TFA has better reception than the prequels do. In order for Phantom menace and Attack of the Clones to catch up they have a long way to go. The only one that is fairly close is Revenge of the Sith.


Listen i couldn't care less if you wanna agree with the Disney Shill critics of not.

Prequel Trilogy was flawed and had real issues but it was still Star Wars
Original Trilogy is the finest Sci-Fi trilogy ever put to film.
Disney Trilogy is beyond garbage and Last Jedi will go down as the worse Star Wars film ever.

Again Based on your own numbers the audience scores do not prove your point, Disney Star Wars Episode ones declines while prequels steadily improve. You can't possibly use the critc scores as they are so bias as not to rock the apple cart, gotta stay in Disney good books.

Personally have nothing against Rogue One or Solo, Rogue One in my opinion is the best Disney one. Solo the less said about that the better.

Again, don't really care but your own argument is flawed.


Of course I knew it was only a matter of time before the Disney shill critics point came about. Gee I guess Disney forgot to mail off the check to the critics for Dumbo, Aladdin and Lion King live action remakes huh?

No the prequel trilogy was beyond trash. I do not agree with you there. You are in the minority in thinking it is better than the sequel trilogy.

There are other sci-fi trilogies put to film I feel are better. The new Planet of the Apes trilogy being one of them. I won't deny the impact or reception of OT though. Even though I personally think they are overrated.

No my own numbers back me up bud. As it stands The Force Awakens is better received critically and by the vast majority of fans than any of the prequels were. It does not matter if the prequels rating is rising as it stands as we are talking TFA is better received by the majority. Last Jedi will not go down as the worst Star Wars film ever. As it stands it is still better received by fans than Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. Check imdb.

So no I proved you wrong.I took the vast majority and it does not agree with your opinion. It is okay you are free to think what you want but do not try and deny the facts in front of you.


I get it your a blind Disney Fanboy, why didn't you just say that, could have saved me the trouble of typing.

You haven't proved anything, right or wrong. All you have proved is 3 websites critics scores are higher than audience scores, wonder why that is.

RT Audience score - Phantom Menace - 59% , Last Jedi - 44%
Meta Audience score- Phantom Menace - 6.1, Last Jedi - 4.4

Yeh i love the way you say check IMDB as i show above and your own numbers the fans didn't look upon the Last Jedi as you say except IMDB which is of course so reliable.

Listen you wanna blindly follow Disney go for it, no one will stop you but don't try and say they are better when even by your won numbers they are not. But i'm sure you will come back with some other lame argument to porve your point.


So no answer as to why Dumbo, Aladdin and Lion King got poor reviews got it. The critics are only Disney shills so long as they disagree with your view nice logic.

I was not aware Last Jedi was the only Disney Star Wars film. TFA and Rogue One also have higher reception than any of the prequels. You have a small case for is Solo and Last Jedi.

imdb has the most users on it which is the largest sample size of people. I never said it was 100% reliable I did say it is an indicator of what the large majority thought of a film. In the end Last Jedi is better received by the majority than Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. So do not spout BS that it will be remembered as the worst Star Wars film ever. That is merely your subjective opinion. I know man it hurts to be in the minority but I promise it will be okay don't you worry.
