Rehash of Return of a Jedi

Why not? Force Unleashed was a rehash of A New Hope. Last Jedi was a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back.

I'll also bet that Abrams doesn't answer any questions.


The Last Jedi was not a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back. The Last Jedi was Different. this video proof it:

go watch "24 Reasons Star Wars Episode V & Star Wars The Last Jedi Are Different" on youtube.


I'm not sure if you're making a joke or not. The video was satire and he was showing 24 similarities between the movies. You have to compare the screens to each other while he's talking to see the last Jedi rip-offs.

I agree with what a poster who wrote that this trilogy is a reboot of the originals with a more diversified cast instead of a sequel trilogy. That would explain why Disney dumped the EU also.


If it means Daisy Ridley in a slave bikini, I'm all for it!


I think we both know that Kathleen Kennedy would never allow that.
