The thing about Yoda

People complain about Luke, but Yoda was out of character too.

- Yoda here calls Luke "Skywalker" instead of "Luke"? Did they abandon first-name basis when Luke shut off from the Force?

- Force Ghost Yoda has become a Jedi comedian, "page turners they are not", dancing and giggling.

- Forst Ghosts can suddenly manipulate objects, like hitting or strike with lighting. Why not do that in the OT ("I cannot interfere"), or at least now to help?

- Yoda and Luke seem not too worried that the fate of the Jedi now rests in the hands of a completely untrained girl. One who stole the sacred texts only to abandon her mission and training so to convert her bad-boy crush Kylo, who a few days ago she hated for mistreating her and killing her mentor Han Solo or crippling her friend Finn.


Plus his Force ghost wasn't even translucent. Completely solid, just with a shiny blue edge glow. So lazy that they couldn't even be bothered to portray a Force ghost properly.

I'm sure Rian has some interview somewhere explaining that Yoda is a new kind of higher-level Force ghost that's why he can do those things and why we can't see through him and blah blah blah.


True. He had some form of shimmer-glow around the edges for the first few shots (which made him look like CGI), but then this shimmer disappeared and it was just a puppet like in Empire. Why not translucent is beyond me, maybe for nostalgia. I heard people say "That was the Yoda we knew from Empire"...


Yeah but it would be one thing if we hadn't seen a Yoda Force ghost already, translucent just like the others:

As for their nostalgia, I would agree if it actually looked like Yoda. They messed up the puppet somehow, its face was all scrunched up and it didn't manage even an iota of facial expression. They must not have put any work into properly rebuilding the mechanics behind the face.


I thought Yoda looked a bit "off" too, though it's hard to describe why. In the new TLJ doc they show that they created this puppet from the mold and forms used to create the Empire Yoda, the expression-regulating electronics and mechanics may play a part though.

Better than the Menace Yoda puppet that was later replaced with CGI. I also thought that Ad Akbar looked off compared to his Jedi appearance. It seems hard to recreate puppets faithfully, like with people. It's an encouraging thought actually.


Back before Phantom Menace came out, this was the pre-production sculpt of young Yoda that was seen:

Looked great, right? Damn near perfect! I still remember just loving the look of that concept and looking forward to the movie.

Of course, the Yoda they finally used was just one of the many disappointments with that movie.

Never forget!



That's funny, I noticed that back in the day, but wrote it off to him being younger. Nono, that's Yoda's hillbilly beer-chugging cousin, at best lol
Also..they should have just used the same Yoda. The little dude lived to what? 900 years old? He probably wouldn't look too much different from 850 to 900, you know?
That's...well, does a human look that dang different at 90 years old as compared to when he was 85? Not so much...should have just used the same puppet.


His years on Dagobah must have been tough!

I agree though, same puppet, better clothing, less of a hunch, and a bit more hair. That's all he needed.

The CGI version was pretty close to that, though. Glad the poop puppet was retconned out of existence.
