

A film like this is so large and so much a part of peoples lives its almost unreasonable not to expect a lot of talk about it. You have two extremes really pushing it on either side. On one side you have the people that want it and/or need it to be good and refuse to see the flaws of the film. They defend it regardless of valid criticism. The other side sees it as the worst thing every created, a raping of the childhood and so on.

These two sides push the majority in the middle one way or the other into those groups based on whether they loved the film or hated it.

I am in the middle, I don't truly hate any of the films, but this film turned out to be my least liked. I think the suggestion it was one of the best Star Wars films laughable because of how poorly done the films story and handling of characters is. On the other hand I don't see it as my childhood raped. The OT is still there, it was always going to be hard to do it again. Lucas struggled with it. The new directors are too.


I don't fault you for the opinion. It's a fair opinion. It's just goofy to see how much time and effort people put into a series like this. Perhaps it's time for fans to let it go.


I don't disagree. In the end it is just a set of movies. However movie boards would be a boring, barren place to be if fans just let it go.


Maybe you're right. Perhaps people like me should do them a favor and give them an enemy so they stop bickering and focus on something else.


Because of what they did to Luke, this movie will be discussed and debated in the fandom FOREVER.
