I'm impressed

How did they make it so bad? I mean, this movie doesn't just have some flaws -- it is all bad. From start to finish, just shockingly bad, and not only as a SW movie but as a movie in general.

Who actually greenlighted this crap? Where was the quality control? Someone having the guts to say that the script is stunningly awful? There is simply no excuse for having BB8 riding an AT-ST or BB8 knocking out a bad guy with coins. The prank call, space Leia, Luke projection, Rose/Finn kiss, I could go on forever. Did they actually screen this POS internally and everybody said 'Yep, great movie, let's release it'?

Sure, TFA was terrible as well, but at least it had some redeeming qualities (not many, mind you). TLJ, however, goes down as one of the worst movies to ever be shown in theatres. Kudos to the hacks at Disney/Lucasfilm.


Can't agree more. I'm still baffled as to how they released this thing. Its bad in every scene.


It needed some major intervention at the script stage, but that either did not happen or it did not involve the right people.

Worst part is that Rian Johnson said his first draft of the script took him 15 months to write. I hope he was distracted by other things and unable to commit to the script, because 15 months is enough for a full-time professional to write at least three scripts.


15 months and it looked like someone crafted the story in an hour. Damn....


well said , all questions i ask myself , disagree with what you said with TFA though, i enjoyed it and thoought it had some good story arcs, but TLJ is not a star wars film, it just has the star wars label attached to it, it needs to be rebranded as Space Balls 2, it was a travesty
